Hello everyone! I hope all of you had a great weekend. I wanted to start off this week with an interview with my sister Alexis. I talk about her blog every month in my monthly income updates, but I’ve never actually dedicated a full article on her website.
Her blog is FITnancials and I helped her start her blog last year. She blogs about healthy living and personal finance.
If you are interested in starting your own, check out my article that will show you the steps to create a blog.
Tell us about yourself.
First off, my name is Alexis and I am in my early twenties.
I used to be around 180 pounds and I was extremely unhealthy. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day and drinking tons of soda was what my average day of consisted of. You might laugh because I was young, but it still happened.
I never exercised nor believed girls should do anything besides cardio.
One day I had a breakthrough and I realized I needed to get healthier, but the journey there wasn’t easy at all.
Why did you decide to blog?
I decided to blog to be able to reach out to others who were in need of help. I wasn’t just going to be any other blogger, I was a girl that came from experience of being heavy once myself.
I can relate to others who are in the process of having extra weight on them.
What do you like about blogging?
I love being able to meet others who are so passionate about fitness and nutrition as well. Surprisingly, a lot of my friends around me aren’t into eating healthy and exercising.
Most of my fitness friends are from online that I’ve met through blogging and Instagram.
What are your favorite blogs?
My favorite fitness blogs would definitely have to be Blogilates and Simply Taralynn.
I love Blogilates because she posts free workouts along with free meal plans as well. Taralynn’s blog reminds me of something out of Pinterest. She is always posting so many creative meals and makes everything look so interesting.
This is a personal finance blog, so I have to ask. Would you say you are good with money?
In all honesty, I would say I’m best with my money when I am running lower than I’d like to be at.
It’s sort of like a wake up call.
It hasn’t happened in awhile because I think I finally learned to save money whenever possible. I set aside a certain amount of money bi-weekly and that has helped me tremendously.
What’s your best money tip?
What I mentioned in the last question; take out a certain amount of money each check. Have it direct deposited through your bank account to your savings so you don’t even have to think about it. This has saved me so much money.
Pay yourself first!
Do you have any student loans?
At the moment I do not. I went to community college for a year and paid out of pocket. I am starting school in Chicago starting this Fall, so I will definitely have some school loans then.
Why should people read your blog?
People should read my blog if they’ve ever felt alone in the process of losing weight or becoming healthier. A lot of people feel like they are in the journey alone or don’t personally know anyone who is going through the same feeling.
I come from experience knowing what it is like to be heavier and I am here to help you achieve your goals. I love motivating and inspiring others and simply making others feel good about themselves no matter where they are body wise.
Are you working on being healthy as well as improving your finances?
Do you prioritize one over the over? Why or why not?