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Getting Around in a Public Transit Free Neighbourhood

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about being a one car household in the rural countryside. I never thought I’d recieve so many comments...

Do You Really Need that Second Car?

Hey everyone! I want to introduce my new staff writer, Jordann. She will be helping me out and posting every Friday most likely. I love...

Cutting Expenses

Hey everyone. After my whale of a post yesterday, I have a shorter one today about cutting or keeping certain expenses in your life. I’m...

My Retirement and Debt Plan

Lance was asking me about my possible retirement plans. He first wanted me to write a post about how I became so awesome, but I thought...

My Car Costs

Last month I talked about how we were buying a new car. I haven’t really talked about the car since, but our costs have definitely gone...

Extra Money Ideas

Shorter post today. Super busy with all the car stuff, work and school. But of course I don’t want to leave you hanging 🙂 and I also...

Buying a NEW Car

Yup, you read that right. You can kind of guess where this post is going. If you follow me on Twitter, then you already know. I also...

My Money Obsession/Confession

Over at The Random Path, Mackenzie made a blog post about obsessing over money too much. I feel the exact same way, and sometimes (ok all...

My Biggest Money Mistake!

Today I’m taking part in a blog swap. Read the post below and please check out my blog post over at My Family Finances. John Preston is...

Cheap or Frugal

I am cheap in many ways. I need to learn how to buy things for quality over quantity. As you all know, last week I asked you all on...

Financial Milestones in Your 20s

There are many things that I want to accomplish in my life. Starting the things listed below will only make life easier for the most...

Mystery Shopping – Make Extra Money

I usually make around $150 to $200 a month from mystery shopping. Side note: If you are interested in the many other ways I earn extra...

Please Forgive Me- I’m a Public Servant!

To start off, you should know a little about me (I’m Bach from AdeptDebt where I write about newlywed finance) and why I choose to write...

Our Kauai Vacation Plans

We leave tomorrow for our trip! I’m not going to lie, this was definitely an expensive trip (at least for us). I’m a crazy planner when...

He makes less money, so what?!

For some reason, the same money topic keeps coming up. This has never really happened too often before last month, but now it’s happened...

Paid off my car and I never want another car loan

This has been a long time coming. I kept wanting to pay off my car but kept putting it off because I liked the extra cash sitting in my...

Money in my 20s

Happy Friday everyone! This week went by pretty quick for me thankfully. I have a pretty packed weekend (but it’s mostly fun stuff) so...

The Lifestyle Inflation Creep

Lifestyle inflation can be a savings killer. And for us it has been. Long ago were the days when we lived in a SUPER cheap rental house...

Relationships and Money

Most people look at me like I’m INSANE when I tell them that I bought a house with my boyfriend, let alone that we have joint finances....

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