I’m ready for the weekend! Not too much going on here. I have a friend coming in town and I’m hanging out with her, going swimming at my friend’s pool, and mostly relaxing.
I still have lots of studying for my work certification test. I haven’t even opened up the books yet. I really need to start this soon.
One of my classes also starts on Tuesday. Not looking forward to that, but the class only meets for 8 weeks thankfully. I’ve only taken summer classes one other semester, so I’m not looking forward to it. AH!
Some link love:
Jen talks about how to manage a bare bones budget. Fearless and Frugal also did one since Jen’s post was so relate-able and inspiring!
Deenadollars got a job! Go congratulate her 🙂
Do you travel so that you can one-up someone? Well Heeled made a post about keeping up with the Joneses’
So Over Debt talked about staying at home to save money. This is something I need to do more!
Add Vodka added up how much she spends on makeup. It all adds up so quickly!
I’ve always wanted to sponsor a child. Mo Money Mo Houses made a post about this.
What are your plans for the weekend?