Hey everyone! Second post for today. Don’t forget to enter my giveaway that I posted earlier. This week’s roundup is a short one. I’ll be gone until next Thursday and just wanted to update everyone on the blog until then. Ha I know, it’s not many days but I am a crazy blogger and wanted to update you all.
I have several posts lined up for while I am gone. Thank you to you all who actually said yes when I asked! I hope everyone reads them, because I read through them and I think they are all very good and interesting. Hopefully you all start following them (if you haven’t already) and enjoy the posts.
We have a fun couple of days planned and I’m super excited. Staying at a nice all-inclusive hotel, have a kayak snorkeling trip planned and will relax a ton. WOOHOOO!
Also, I have been thinking about ways that I can improve the blog a lot lately. What do you like seeing? What do you not like seeing? Be honest and give any opinions!
I took part in Frugal Portland’s awesome gift exchange. I recently received my present and who would have guessed that Jordann had me? I was super happy and she bought me some awesome tea (I could drink tea ALL DAY LONG).

In case you missed it, here are posts from my blog this week:
Posts I loved:
The Financial Perks of Being Childless by Choice Money after Graduation
Use Credit Card Rewards To Pay For Christmas Money Life and More
How to Answer the Top 10 Interview Questions One Smart Dollar
One Unintended Perk of Writing a Blog Frugal Portland