Happy Saturday everyone! I’m ready for the long weekend.
The boy and I are going out for my birthday today (he worked on my actual birthday on Monday). We plan on hitting up some antique stores, shopping and going out to eat.
Check out my blog sale also if you haven’t yet. If you e-mail me with an offer, I also might consider it! Just let me know what number you’re thinking.
The winner of my giveaway is Erika at Newlyweds on a Budget! I e-mailed you 🙂
Some link love:
Erika’s post on A Boss’s Guide for Productive Young Employees is something that all bosses need to read!
Of course you all need to check out Bridget’s funny PF GIFS! I look forward to this every weekend.
Over at Work Save Live, he talks about being Broke, Desperate, and Being an Idiot.
Andrea talked about asking yourself questions before you pay for services. This is what we should’ve done before the plumbing fiasco!
Over at Modest Money, he talks about whether or not PF bloggers are perfect identity theft targets. Very enlightening.
Young Professional Finances talks about financial decisions that every young person should make. Take a look!
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