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  • Writer's picturePuang Reviews

Weekly Roundup

Hey everyone! Hope you’re having a great weekend. Lots of birthday festivities going on for me this weekend which means that I’m doing an absurd amount of dancing (ok not really since I love to dance even if I am a bad dancer).

Lots of dog pins this week! Just loving them. We are dog sitting and have three dogs at our house this week (and next week). I LOVE the dog that we are watching. He’s a hound and just so good and cute.


Posts I loved this week:

  1. Out of Control Transportation Costs @ When Life Gives You Lemons

  2. Why I Don’t Usually Use Cash @ Frugal Portland

  3. RIP So Over Debt @ So Over This

  4. You Can’t Change Me Overnight @ bogofdebt

  5. A Great Friend that I have never even met @ Live Simply – Live Well

  6. If you died today, would it be okay? @ Newlyweds on a Budget

  7. Tomorrow @ See Debt Run

  8. Why I Travel @ Money After Graduation

  9. Working When You Don’t REALLY Have To @ TeacHer Finance

Have a great weekend!

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