This was the dessert table on Thanksgiving at the Boy’s Grandma’s. So yummy!
Hey everyone! Hope you all are having a great weekend.
I’m loving having all of these days off in a row. Sad that it’s already Saturday, but I’m still happy!
If you guys want to hear a sad tidbit about me that is extremely embarrassing, I finally got my ears pierced. Yes, I know, very sad especially for a girl like me who loves clothes, being girly and everything else.
I’ve always put it off and then eventually I felt so old and too embarrassed to get it done. Haha okay commence the making fun of me!
Anyways, now that you’re hopefully done laughing at me, we decided that we are most likely going to go out of town in December for 3-4 days.
We don’t know when the boy’s next vacation will be, so we decided to use this time wisely. We are thinking either San Juan again or maybe trying St. Thomas since we haven’t been.
If you’ve been to St. Thomas, tell us what to do, see and stay! And if you think we should go to San Juan instead, also say that. I want all opinions! We are trying to save as much money as we can on this, so I am looking for the best deals.
The iPad Mini and CASH giveaway is still happening just so you all don’t forget! Only a couple days left so get your entries in 🙂
Also, I’m going to start up the Reader Question series again, so if you have any questions that you would like to to research and answer, please leave them below, tweet them or e-mail me! Also, if you have any questions about my extra income and earning money online, ask them also. I plan on including as many as I can into a post that I’m drafting.
Posts I love:
Coping with Debt @ Freedom Thirty Five Blog
Google PageRank, Not Just About Links @ Modest Money
Unfrugal Confessions of a Normal Spender in the PF blogosphere @ Money After Graduation
I got a new job! @ 20s Finances
Life is What You Make Of It @ Living Debt Free Rocks!
How To Fake a More Expensive Christmas Gift @ Plunged in Debt
Buying Land and Building a House @ Monster Piggy Bank