Today I have a guest post from Becky over at House of Sykes! Enjoy. Be sure to check out her blog!
My husband and I are leaving next month to spend a week in Mexico. While daydreaming about our vacation since we booked it today, I started to compile a sample packing list for someone taking an all inclusive tropical vacation. Of course, the amount you pack is contingent on how many days you are staying, so adjust accordingly.
Here are a few of my suggestions (aside from obvious ones like a toothbrush and underoos):
3-4 bathing suits: you live a bathing suits during the day in the tropics. they’re tiny and lightweight – perfect for carry on luggage.
Tervis tumblers: most all inclusive resorts will fill up your tumbler instead of the tiny plastic cups on the beach or by the pool. tumbler = more drinky drinky and no sweaty glass!
medicine: everything from Tylenol to Immodium and everything in between. be sure to also pack a small first aid kit.
electronics: some of you know that we LOVE to stay in touch with home while we’re away, so we take the laptop and cell phones with us. this also includes the DSLR camera and a point and shoot. having so many electronics with us also helps back up the photos we’ve taken. we keep them on the SD card, laptop, I-pod and smart phone. if we lose something, we’re sure to have the photos backed up somewhere!
snacks: we discovered on our last trip to Mexico that US Airways no longer provides complimentary snacks in flight. not to mention, food in the airport is crazy expensive. take your own snacks that are high in sugar – nabs, honey buns, granola, etc. to keep you energized while you’re traveling.
pens, passports, travel documents: when flying internationally, you will need these items with you in flight. take your own pens so you don’t have to borrow someone else’s to fill out your customs forms. this prevents the spread of germs too. (did you see “Contagion”?)
3 dresses: you rarely eat with the same people each night, so no one will know that you’re wearing the same dress to dinner on Saturday night that you wore on Wednesday night. pack jersey type material so if it gets bunched up during your travel, it won’t wrinkle.
3 pairs of shoes: 2 pairs in the suitcase; 1 pair on your feet. come on ladies, you’re on vacation, not a runway. there’s no need to pack your entire wardrobe. you are on vacation to relax, not impress.
plastic bags: include a quart size freezer back for each carry on. include a plastic grocery bag to pack wet bathing suits for the journey home.
Hope these packing tips help if you are going on a vacation somewhere fun and hot!
Michelle’s comment: Thinking about packing puts me in such a good mood! I’m a horrible packer though. If I’m gone for just 2 days, I will still bring 20 dresses. I actually counted last time, and when we went to Miami last August for 3 days, I brought 19 dresses (plus shorts).
How do you pack? What are your traveling “essentials”?