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Top 5 ways to promote blog posts

Writer's picture: Puang ReviewsPuang Reviews

Promoting the content is a key aspect to every blogger. The right content shared on right places has greater influence on search engine rankings rather than spamming the link everywhere. It is not confined to search engine rankings alone. Your posts would be noticed soon which results in quality readership. On the other hand I have seen some newbies indulging in spamming.

In the other words spam is nothing but posting the links to irrelevant groups, communities and people. Search engines hates spam and may penalize your site from showing on the search results. Sharing links is not bad but sharing with people who are not interested is a bad practice. So, I have come up with top 5 ways to promote blog posts.

1. Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is not dead. It is very much alive today. This is one of the oldest techniques to promote your content. Submit your content to social bookmarking sites once it is live. There are literally thousands of RSS directories and bookmarking sites. But, I strongly recommend to submit your new blog post to Digg , Stumbleupon, Delicious and Reddit. These are the 4 big players where you can fetch some traffic to your blog posts.

Don’t take it as granted as it takes time to gain traffic from social bookmarking. The title, description and reputation of the blog matters most. Reputable sites get more traffic from these sites. Try to comment on your fellow sites listed on Stumbleupon or Reddit. Participating in discussion forums also helps you in a long run. You can install ‘Addthis’ browser extension to share the content on multiple platforms. But, among all the top 5 ways to promote blog posts, social bookmarking has the least priority.

2. Social networking sites

The idea behind social networking sites was to build relationships or unite lost people. But, today the scenario has completely changed. Being a blogger you can utilize social networks to build up your audience. So let us go into the details. If you are a blogger try to create a Facebook page with the blog name and invite people. Sharing blog posts on the page is not enough to attract people.

You need to share some innovative things or ask questions so that people don’t get bored with your page. Stay connected with people and always try to grab their attention. This may help you to some extent. Even the same logic applies to Google+ page. Sharing your content on relevant groups in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn certainly boost up traffic to some extent.

3. Social sharing networks

Social sharing networks helps bloggers to get social exposure on social media. The content would be retweeted, +1’d and liked on Facebook by fellow bloggers. The more your content gets the exposure on social media the better the rankings would be. Some of the best social sharing networks are Justretweet, Easyretweet and Triberr.

4. Blog commenting

Commenting is a true measure of your potentiality. So don’t deny it. Welcome all the suggestions and criticism wholeheartedly. Bloggers can benefit in following 3 ways with commenting on other blogs.

1. Commenting on relevant blogs always help to build healthy relations with fellow bloggers. I have seen many blogs with ‘top commentators’ widget on their home page. It shows the real significance of commenting.

2. Of course you would get fair amount of traffic when your comment is worth and informative. Probably people would like to check your blog.

3. The third benefit one would get is directly connected to SEO ( Off-page Optimization). Yes you heard it right. Make sure that you comment it on ‘do-follow’ blogs otherwise you won’t gain anything. That doesn’t mean I’m discouraging you to comment on ‘no-follow’ blogs. This is a piece of advice for those people who wants to gain backlinks with commenting.

Tips for WordPress users

1. Try to comment on ‘CommentLuv’ plugin enabled blogs.

2. Try to install reputable plugins to stop spam comments.

5. Guest posting

This is a most common term making rounds in and around the Blogosphere. Guest posting benefits you in 2 ways. The very first advantage is that people start recognizing you and get back to your site very often if they find your post interesting. The other advantage is link building. You get backlinks  for your site and social profiles. I recommend you to link up your latest blog post in the original article while writing a guest post.

This is all about top 5 ways to promote blog posts. If you found this article interesting then please share it on social networks and do leave comments.


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