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Spending, Life, Income and Food Updates… 12/19/2011

I’m off today! But I have tons to do. I have a ton of errands to run and I’m getting another beach wave perm today and a hair cut. And I have a TON of Christmas shopping to still do. I’m glad I’m off this Thursday and a half day on Friday also, or else I wouldn’t have any Christmas presents for anyone.

Here’s some of the things that I’ve made this past week. Obviously we eat lots of salsa in our house, since I post the same thing nearly every week. Above are buffalo chicken wraps, teriyaki steak, salsa and ham. I also made lasagna and soup.

Here are my updates, you can find my last one here.

Family: Things are getting ok here. My mom no longer wants to move in. We still hardly ever talk and when we do, it’s for just one thing, money. Oh well, maybe one day things will change.

The BF’s grandma (who he is very close to) was airlifted to a hospital the other day and isn’t doing too good. I feel horrible, and I know he feels horrible also. He’s been crying a lot and is very upset. They gave us the whole waiting room at the hospital yesterday though because the WHOLE family was there. Around 100 people and it truly meant a lot to the family. I don’t do well in hospitals because of my dad, so I definitely cried the entire time and I felt horrible for doing that.

$100 Ticket: Haven’t decided what I exactly want to do with this yet.

Extra Income update: I’m still doing a lot of surveys, and made $12 last week in one day. My Swagbucks have been slow. Got a $5 Amazon gift card last week though. We went on that restaurant secret shop at a really nice place and spent around $125, it was really good. It was nearly all free too!

Vacation planning: The BF had to turn in his vacation sheet for the weeks that he wants. He gets 3 weeks and 2 sick days. We’re taking a vacation in March, May and August. I can’t wait! For March, were thinking Puerto Rico again, but not sure. We have to start planning soon. Any ideas? Maybe Hawaii? We’re thinking a long vacation (long to us is like 5 or 6 days). All inclusive vacation? Are those good deals?

Volunteer work: I’ve decided that I AM going to volunteer with the animal cruelty group. I start training on January 7th and I have training 4 days in a row, which will be tough since I still have to work, but it’ll be great! I’m so excited about this but I know that I will most likely be really sad all of the time from the type of volunteering that this group entails.

How’s everything going for you?

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