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September Goals and Life Update – I’m Ready For Fall

September Goals and Life Update

It was National Dog Day the other day, so here’s an old picture of my pup and my laptop. Some of my favorite things in life!

Hello everyone and happy Friday!

This month’s goals update is a little early, but I figured I’d get a somewhat early start and think about my goals sooner rather than later.

Even though August isn’t over yet, it has been a good month so far. Nothing really happened this month. It was a relaxing month and I’m always all for that.

I’m more excited for September though. We have two trips planned for September, and the weather will be much nicer than August. I also love fall and the clothing that goes along with it. I’m ready for boots and sweaters!

It’s been a VERY hot month for St. Louis so far.

With the heat index, the temperature has been around 110 to 120 degrees each day for much of this month. Pairing the hot weather with the disgusting humidity that St. Louis has, it means I haven’t been outside too often lately.

Because we have been experiencing sticky and disgusting weather in St. Louis lately, we have been dreaming of Colorado even more.

We are still thinking about moving there within the next few years. We want to visit some of the cities we may be interested in again in the winter months. While we love the summer months in Colorado, I’m a little afraid that I will not like the winter. Anyone from Colorado want to share their opinion of what they think of the winter months?

August Goals Update

  1. Make $13,000 in business income. PASS. I had another good month. I’m not sure yet if I will beat last month’s income, but it was a good one. Read last month’s post $14,937 in July Business Income if you haven’t yet. August’s business report will be out sometime next week.

  2. Work out 2 times a week. FAIL. This has been nonexistent. We have been eating very well though.

  3. Walk 10 miles on a trail once a week. FAIL. This has been nonexistent as well.

September Goals

  1. Make $13,000 in business income. I’m keeping this the same. We are going on two trips in September so I’m not sure what will happen.

  2. Work out 2 times a week. I just can’t get back on the workout wagon to save my life it seems like.

  3. Work on passive income ideas. One area we have really been slacking in is passive income. I want to create an action plan to jump start this. If you have passive income, what do you do? What do you recommend?

  4. Work ahead on MakingSenseofCents posts. One thing I am very bad with is writing ahead of time for posts on this blog. I would like to get at least a few weeks ahead, with one day hopefully being a month or more ahead of schedule. I do have a question for all of you – What topics would you like me to cover? Are there any products you would like me to review?

  5. Have fun at FinCon! FinCon is this month. I can’t wait! I went last year and it was well worth it. This year it’s in New Orleans so I know it will be crazy… Are you going?

How did you do in August? What is your main goal for September?

What are your plans for the long weekend?



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