Now that October is done, I need to take a look at the goals that I made around 1 month ago. My updated comments are in red and green.
Start and Finish Homework Before it’s Due. I am a major procrastinator. If I have homework, I will almost always do it the day that it’s due during my lunch break. This significantly limits the quality of my homework of course. — Still FAILING at this. I just can’t seem to start homework and projects early enough.
Workout at least 2 times a week. — PASS. I have actually been very good with this. I worked out around 4 times last week and around 5 times the week before.
Spend no more than $500 for entertainment and groceries. — PASS. I have done very good with this goal. I’m estimating that I spent around $250 on groceries and around $250 on entertainment and eating out.
Volunteer at least two days this month. I know this isn’t a lot, but I figure this is a start. — FAIL. Haven’t really volunteered at all.
Get my Flu Shot. Deadline: — Got this done in early October for free! All the hospitals offered it for free to anyone and everyone.
Reassess My Budget. Deadline: After I did so well last month with food, I want to see if there’s anywhere else that I can cut. — Did this, but I need to look at it again.
Sell My Stuff on Ebay. I have a pile in my closet that I have designated for Ebay selling, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. — FAIL. Haven’t started this yet. I want to do this now though so that people can buy my stuff as Christmas presents (and hopefully I can make more money).
Make a Holiday Gift Plan (and actually start buying stuff). I usually just wing it and buy everything on the same day, but maybe this year I should create a list so that I can control my spending (and so that I don’t ring out with $1,000 worth of stuff in one day and die from shock). — FAIL. Haven’t done this at all!
How did you do with October?
P.S. Check out Careful Cents’ giveaway!