I hope everyone had a great weekend! I can’t believe that it’s already Sunday, how depressing. I took Friday off and it was wonderful.
I didn’t do as much as I wanted, mainly because for some reason, everything closed really early on Friday and Saturday. All of the store signs said they closed at either 8 or 9, but when I got to them between 4 to 5, they ALL said they were already closed. WHAT? That doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know why they all did this. So I went to Target to see if they had anything I was looking for, but I didn’t see anything that would fit with my Pinterest inspiration.
I got one of my friends hooked on Pinterest, and she’s talking about building all of these awesome things, so hopefully we will push each other to be creative and we’ll actually attempt some of the cute things on our boards.
I didn’t do too much else. The BF is sick and we pretty much just stayed in all weekend because I was/am extremely tired. I can’t stay awake to save my life. Do caffeine pills work? I’m guessing those aren’t the healthiest things but I don’t really know.
The rest of my Sunday will be pretty quiet. I have finals on Monday and Tuesday and I plan on studying all day for those. I’ll be done with classes on Tuesday though! It’ll be wonderful. For one of my classes, I need to get like a 97% on my test in order to get an A (and not an A-) as my final grade. So I’m trying to study a lot, but I’m starting to not care at all. Ahhh I’m feeling so lazy lately because I just want it to all be done!
How was your weekend?
Sorry for the lack of super interesting posts this weekend! I’ve been trying to study and stay off blogger since it’s so time consuming and addicting (as you all know).
P.S. check out my giveaway!