Hey everyone! I hope you are making it a good weekend. I’m spending my weekend with my friends, the boy, and doing lots of chores around the house.
Yesterday was our 6 year anniversary and we’re going out to eat tonight. I love any reason to dress up so this will do 🙂
One of my friends leaves for an archaeological dig this weekend (where she will work 12 hours a day for 60 days straight, and it’s 11 hours away) and my other friend starts a weekend rehab facility job, so I’m mainly celebrating and having fun with them. I’ll miss my girls but we’ll be able to reunite for Vegas (yes I talk about Vegas too much). Haha even though it is still 2 months away. But I’ll be able to save a lot of money this summer (since I’ll have nothing to do) so that’s one minor good thing.
I also need to study for a work certification test that I have in August (of course it’s right after Vegas). These tests are really hard, so I want to study a couple of hours a day until then.
I had a guest post over at Hannah’s blog, check it out! I should do more beauty posts! I had fun (even though she helped me with the polyvore because I was confused haha).
Some link love:
Bog Of Debt found a wedding dress for less than $50! I think she should make a wedding post soon on her spending 🙂
Erika’s life is about to change a TON. She talks about how to make financial transitions less crazy.
Jefferson at See Debt Run talks about buying a slightly used car. This is what I plan on doing next!
Vanessa got a new job!
Erika at Newlyweds on a Budget talked about the annoying things she does. We are so alike!
TeacHer Finance furnished her place with Craigslist, which reminds me that I need to look for stuff on there as well.
Young Cheap Living talked about receiving a financial windfall.
What are your plans for the weekend?