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  • Writer's picturePuang Reviews

My A to Z

A lot of other bloggers are doing the A to Z also, so I wasn’t exactly sure who to link up to. I think it started with Tracing Rainbows? If you have one then post your link please!

Age – 22 Bed Size – King Chores I Hate – Everything! Dog– I have 2 Essential Start to Day – Long, hot shower Favorite Color– Green, yellow, blue (I don’t really have a favorite) Gold or Silver – Silver Height – 5’3″ or 5’4″ Interests – Going out and meeting people Job Title – Investment Banker Kids – None Live – U.S. Mothers Name – Mom 🙂 Nickname – I don’t have one. Overnight Hospital Stays – None Pet Peeves– Bad manners, rude people, arrogance Quote from film – Can’t really think of one. All I can think about it “I got sooommmethiiing for youuuu.” -Forgetting Sarah Marshall haha Right/Left handed – Right Siblings – One brother, one sister Time you wake – 6:30am Underwear – ummmm Vegetables you hate – Celery What makes you late – Traffic! And hitting the snooze button around 20 times. X Rays- Teeth Yummy Food I make – Tacos Zoo Animal – Lions

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