Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a great weekend. There were bad storms and a couple of tornadoes in our area on Friday right after I got home from work.
And then our power went out on Friday at 8 p.m. And it’s still out… BUT, we did buy a generator last night.
On Saturday night, we decided that we are sick of the power going out and our food going bad, so we just bought a generator. We searched EVERYWHERE and called everywhere and there were only two generators left, and it was all at one store. It was either an $899 generator (plus taxes and warranty = $1,200) or a $1,900 generator ($1,400 plus taxes and warranty).
We chose the lesser. So that was definitely a big, unexpected expense for the month, but we do think it’ll last quite some time and be handy. Our power has already gone out twice in the past month for multiple days each time, so I’m sure we’ll use it again. The storms here have just been crazy! Our electric company doesn’t think it will be back on until TUESDAY. Altogether that would make it 8 days without power in a 30 day period. I’m going nuts…
Overall though, May was great. Me and my sister went to St. Thomas and it was a great vacation. We also fixed up our patio and it looks 1,000 times better. We even had people over and enjoyed how much nicer it looked. We also bought a new grill and grilled probably 5 times last month. It was wonderful. I’m loving the warmer weather. Also, yesterday was me and W’s 7th anniversary and it also would have been my dad’s 61st birthday if he were still here.
Oh yeah, and the winner of my $200 giveaway the other day was Budget and the Beach. WOOHOOO!
I doubt you are wondering, but I thought that I would explain why I’m posting my May goals post on a Sunday – and also why I’m not including my normal extra income update.
I decided to try something new and split up my extra income and goals into two separate posts. It definitely felt like way too much way going into one post. I also wanted to focus my extra income posts solely on extra income. I have my post for tomorrow mostly done, but is there anything about extra income that you 100% want to see included tomorrow? Such as any questions about what I do, where I’m going with it, what I’m doing with it, etc.?
May Goals Update
PAY OFF MY STUDENT LOANS! FAIL. The other day I told you all that I’ll be paying off my student loans in full this month instead. I’m really trying to stick with this goal!
Cook 5 days a week. PASS. We definitely cooked at home a lot. I think that before we just ate out so much and now we are just sick of it. Eating at home is 1,000 times better. You don’t have to wait to sit down, no driving there and back, it’s more relaxing at home, and it’s cheaper.
Make a couple of awesome desserts. FAIL. I can’t think of a single dessert that I made.
Run 4 times a week and lose 5 pounds. FAIL. I ran and worked out a couple of times, but I didn’t lose any weight.
Make an extra $7,000 this month. PASS. See tomorrow’s income post 🙂
Sell 25 items from my closet. FAIL. I didn’t even look through my closet for things to sell.
Replace the garage door. FAIL. We didn’t even look into this.
Have an awesome birthday! PASS. It was great!
June Goals
PAY OFF MY STUDENT LOANS! This is of course my main goal for the month. I really hope this happens, and I think it will.
Run 4 times a week and lose weight. COME ON MICHELLE!
Make an extra $8,000 this month. I added new side hustles this month, so I increased my income goal as well. I will be talking more about this in tomorrow’s post.
Replace the garage door. Our garage door was dented right after we bought our house four years ago. Our truck (it’s a classic 1961 Apache that we adore) slipped gears and flew into reverse into the garage. I’ve been looking at carriage doors for a replacement. I’m guessing that this will probably be around $1,000 to replace. Have you ever done this before? Is it easy to do yourself? What is the normal costs for DIY versus paying a company?
Get carpet for the living room. This has been on my goals list FOREVER.
Make more time to enjoy life. My side hustles keep increasing, but I don’t want to get too crazy and not enjoy life.
How did you do in May? What’s your top goal for June?