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Life Updates and $3,287 in Extra Income

Writer: Puang ReviewsPuang Reviews

Life Updates and $3,287 in Extra Income

That’s part of my sister’s lovely face on the left and me on the right…

Hey everyone! Happy Monday. The weekend went by too quickly, yet again. Hope all of you fathers enjoyed Father’s Day!

We took our engagement photos on Thursday night, and it went well! I was super nervous but our photographer was awesome. My sister helped us out and watched the dogs so that we could take some photos with them and photos without. We should be getting the photos either this week or next, so be on the lookout for them!

Who watched TrueBlood last night? Who is very confused?! This season definitely seems like a weird one. I’m not sure what to think.

I have my annual review at my work today, wish me luck!

We are still looking for a potential dream house and have been searching every single day. Haven’t found anything that we LOVE, which is probably good since our current house isn’t for sale yet. However, if the PERFECT one did come up, we will probably put an offer on it.

Also, we’ve decided that we will most likely sell our current house. We have been thinking about it, and if we were looking for a house to buy in order to rent out, we most likely wouldn’t do that with this one since we could definitely buy something cheaper and more “basic” and get a higher return from it.

Don’t forget that Google Reader shuts down in a couple of weeks. Don’t forget to switch your reader over to something else. I’ve come to love Bloglovin, so I recommend trying that out. What are you switching to?

Student Loan Update

My student loans will be gone this month! WOOHOOO! I’ll be making an update post on this soon. This feeling is awesome and I can’t believe that I am this close.


I don’t think we spent too much in the past week. I can’t really think of anything. We did of course spend money on our engagement photos and those were around $400. Well worth it to me though! I’m sure W would say otherwise… 🙂

Life Updates and $3,287 in Extra Income

Extra Income (does not include income from our main jobs)

Extra income was great last week. I finally collected some very overdue payments which helped increase my weekly income, but I am still waiting on a few more. Estimated taxes are due, and let me tell you, that is never any fun to pay… Lets please not even talk about how much I will pay altogether this year!

I launched my new blog last weekend. Diversified Finances is live! This blog will be all about how I’m trying to diversify my finances and eventually become financially independent. The newest post on there is all about passive income.

Posts from my blog:

  1. I started a new blog and $1,258 in Extra Income – My usual weekly update.

  2. My wedding dress and budget: Part 1 Dress and Photos – An awesome wedding post! I talk about my wedding dress and photo budget, and some tips for saving money in these areas.

  3. What is your pet worth? – Jordann’s post was a good one. Lots of great comments on this post as well! For me, I would pay anything for my dogs, they are my children and my life. Some people wouldn’t spend more than $100 and I just think that is extremely shocking, and scary…

  4. Emergency Fund or Pay Off Debt? – I asked everyone a question in this post. It seems like the choice is spit. Half of you only prefer to keep a small amount in your EF so that you can pay down high interest rate debt more quickly. For me, I prefer to keep my EF high because I am an extreme worrier.

Link love:

There were a lot of great posts in the past week, but one that I really enjoyed was It’s just a job on Blonde & Balanced. Of course we all know that this topic has been on my mind forever. What is your job to you, just a paycheck or passion? Both?

Being healthy

I haven’t been the healthiest this past week, and I will say it’s because I’ve been busy, but it’s partly been laziness as well. Working out has definitely gone downhill, but oh well. We have been eating very healthy though. That is one thing that we have got going for us! Both of us want to lose weight and look/feel better…

Have you been doing well with your extra income, spending and being healthy?



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