Hello everyone and happy Friday! Today’s post will be a mix of everything going on in my life. We’ll start off with a short life update, 10 Spectacular Things Happening Right Now, and then my November goals.
October was a fun and relaxing month. I was able to work a good amount, have some fun, and enjoy life. October also marked one full year since I left my day job and I had an expensive dinner out (thanks to a gift card we were given, of course!) with Wes to celebrate.
In October, I went indoor rock climbing for my very first time. I also bought a membership at the rock climbing gym because I became so addicted to it. We’ve gone nearly every other day, and it’s a hobby I already can tell I will love for a very long time.
Rock climbing is a lot of fun, but it’s definitely expensive in the beginning. We’ve had to buy rope, harnesses, helmets, climbing shoes, and a lot more. REI has been our best friend recently. It’s a ton of fun though so we are finding it well worth it.
We plan on trying some outdoor climbing later this month. We have plans for Joshua Tree, and if everything goes as planned then we will be visiting there soon. This is pretty crazy to think about because just a few weeks ago I was terrified of climbing. It’s crazy how quickly that fear has passed!
10 Spectacular Things Happening Right Now
A blogger I love posted something really interesting the other day (10 Spectacular Things Happening in My Life and Biz Right Now, it all started with Coach Jennie), and I thought it would be a fun post to do as well. I think being positive and optimistic about life can drastically change a person’s life, and it’s something I have been working on in my own life. I’ve noticed changes ever since changing this part about my life and I’m loving it.
Here are 10 things going on in my life right now that I love:
1. I enjoy waking up and working every day. It’s been a little over one year since I left my day job for self-employment, and I still enjoy waking up each and every morning to work. I never felt this way when I had my day job, so it is truly a wonderful feeling. I hope that everyone one day can experience this.
2. I love fall and the wonderful weather. Fall is my favorite season. The weather is amazing, the clothes are comfy, the holidays are right around the corner, and it’s beautiful outside with all of the changing colors.
3. Rock climbing is a blast. Like I said above, I love rock climbing. It’s a great way to get a work out in, you can really challenge yourself mentally and physically, and more. I always feel amazing after climbing at the gym so I cannot wait until I can climb outside. Even though I am just a beginner at this, I know I love it.
4. Location independence is an amazing thing. One of the best things right now about my business is the fact that I am location independent. I can work from wherever. All I need is my laptop and internet. This makes traveling so much easier because I can just pick up and go. I don’t have to plot my whole year’s worth of vacation time and carefully (and almost scientifically) select which days I will take off.
5. Wes. Awww, I know right? I don’t get romantic on my blog EVER, but Wes is definitely great and someone I love, so, of course, I had to include him here in this post.
6. My family. No matter how small my family is and how far away they all are, I love them incredibly. I also love Wes’s family and how great they’ve been to me. I’m a lucky girl!
7. My dogs are pretty awesome. Can’t forget my pups!
8. Being able to travel. We have a good amount of traveling in store for 2015. If everything goes as planned then 2015 will be an amazing year.
9. My home. Even though I love traveling, I love being home every now and then. October was a non-traveling month and I LOVED it. I’m a homebody and I don’t care.
10. My life. Okay, I’m not sure if this one really counts. However, life overall is great right now. No, I’m not trying to rub it in anyone’s face or be annoying. It’s just the truth. And this is my blog so I can be as positive as I want 🙂

Wes bike riding and me following behind being a paparazzo.
October Goals Update
Make $15,000 in business income. PASS kind of. I made over $15,000, but after expenses I came in a little under that. I’m still going to call it a pass though! You can read my income report here.
Work out! PASS! I finally started working out. I have been taking my dogs on more walks, and I’ve been going to the climbing gym a few times a week.
Work ahead on MakingSenseofCents posts. PASS. I’m still not too far ahead when it comes to posts, but I am far enough to where I can relax during the week while trying to think of new posts.
Eat in 5 days a week. FAIL. This is an area that we have been failing at. I need to get back into meal planning. I really have no excuses for this fail.
November Goals
Work out! This is something that I know won’t be too difficult to do anymore now that I’m paying for the climbing gym. It’s a lot of fun and I’m going to want to get my money’s worth! 🙂
Work ahead on MakingSenseofCents posts. I am still working on this goal. I would like to be at least one month ahead. Eventually I would like to be two months ahead when it comes to my more detailed posts (my income reports and weekly recaps of course cannot be done ahead of time).
Eat in 4 days a week. My plan is to start meal planning again, meal prepping, and finding more interesting meals for us to eat. Eating in is somewhat hard for us because we tend to eat five or six meals a day, and it gets tiring eating the same thing over and over again. It’s a huge waste of money to eat out as often as we do though. And it’s unhealthy!
Successfully complete a 5.10 at the rock climbing gym. Okay, I’m probably not reaching high here with this goal seeing as how I’ve never attempted a 5.10 so I don’t know whether or not I can do it. Right now I’m really just going through the 5.8s and working through the 5.10s until I can master them perfectly.
What amazing things are going on in your life?
How did you do in October? What is your main goal for November?