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Learning to Embrace the Positives While Dealing with Debt

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Today, I have a post from a new blog friend of mine. As you all know, I’m all about being as positive as you can be, especially when it comes to your financial situation. Thinking about the negatives just holds you back and wastes your time. It’s much better to move forward, create a game plan to eliminate your debt, and stay as positive as you can. Read more in my post Why I Believe Being Positive Can Change Your Financial Situation And Your Life.

The majority of us have some sort of debt that we’re dealing with.

Whether it’s a small amount or a large amount it can still be a stressor in our lives.

Maybe it’s a mortgage, a car loan, student loans, credit cards or any combination of these. It’s a stress factor that many of us are letting take a hold of our lives.

I had a scholarship to a state university but turned it down to attend DeVry University. I had some small scholarships to help out, but I still accumulated student loans. After finishing my bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems, I went on to receive my MBA and then shortly after another Master’s Degree. So, I’ve accumulated quite a bit of student loans myself.

I’ve also owned a house since I graduated college and now have two rental properties. It was just easier to rent them out versus trying to sell them in a buyer’s market when I had to move due to my job. This led to my credit card debt that I accumulated over a decade ago. I finally managed to pay most of these off awhile back, but it was a struggle! Being on my own for the first time and having poor money management skills led to my financial stress. Thing about it is, once you realize and acknowledge that you have a problem, the better you can find a solution and learn from your mistakes.

We also have car loans just like most people. Both my husband and I have to have our own vehicles. Me, because I have to drive to work. Him, so that he can have a means of transportation in case he needs to take the kids somewhere. Side note: he has the luxury to be a stay-at-home daddy.

Being that he’s a stay-at-home daddy can be challenging, though. We don’t have that extra income like some families do. But, it’s important to us that at least one parent stays home with the kids until they’re all in school. The working parent had to be me due to where I was in my career compared to him. Therefore, we have been creative with our budgeting skills.

So, been there, done that. I lived the stress. I wore the stress.

I learned from the stress.

Do you feel like you just keep making payments, maybe even using your tax return to help out, but still feel as though you’re not even making a dent? You give up and start believing that debt is just a part of life. You learn to accept it. Maybe you make a budget. But you continue living paycheck to paycheck. It’s what you know. It’s stressful but it’s normal.

Financial stress is like any other stress.

It has the same effects on your mind and body as any other type of stress. Don’t think it’s different.

Stress can make you lose sleep. Losing sleep causes sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can cause hallucinations, memory instability, impact your social life and so much more. Don’t lose sleep over financial stress – it’s not worth it!

Stress can make you sick. Stress puts a huge damper on your immune system. Lack of immunity leads to an increase chance of getting sick.

Stress can cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure causes heart problems. It can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, abnormal heart beats. Heart problems can lead to things much worse than debt. Don’t let it!

Stress can cause depression. Depression also affects your health. It also messes with your hippocampus, the gateway to your memory.

Stress can cause heartburn. Heartburn can be extremely uncomfortable. The only experience I have with heartburn was when I was pregnant. I hated it. I felt like I needed to eat all the time to try to make it feel better. If this is you, then it could cause you to overeat.

Which leads me to, stress can cause weight gain. It can also cause weight loss depending on how you handle stress personally.

Stress also cause skin problems, like acne. So not only do you experience personal effects of stress, but now you’re showing it off to the world around you.

It’s time to make a change.

Debt doesn’t have to be a stress factor in your life. I’m not saying we should embrace debt. But, instead of focusing on the negative aspect of debt, focus on the positives. Alleviate the stress and concentrate on managing your finances to reach your end goal.

In honor of Positivity, My Word of the Year, let’s analyze this situation to find the negatives to uncover the positives.

The Negatives:

  1. Mortgage Debt

  2. Car Loan Debt

  3. Student Loan Debt

  4. Credit Card Debt

Now let’s take each of these negative points and find something positive.

Mortgage Debt: You are able to have a roof over your head. There are others out there who cannot. Be appreciative of the fact that you have a safe haven to take comfort in. Instead of stressing over your mortgage debt, be thankful for that roof over your head and feel safe, comforted in the walls protecting you and your family.

Car Loan Debt: You have transportation. A means to drive you to and from work. A vehicle to drive your children to the doctor when they are sick. There are others out there who do not have this luxury. You can choose to trade it in for a more affordable car to help with the stress or even go carless, if this debt is not worthwhile to you.

Student Loan Debt: You have an education. You have proof of what you know and it may have helped you land a job, a job that is helping you pay off that debt. There are others out there without a degree. Instead of lingering on the stress of having student loans, use the experience and knowledge you paid for.

Credit Card Debt: Realize that when you pay off your credit card debt, what your credit history will show. So don’t stress out over it. Just keep your focus on the end goal.

Author bio: Kimberly Farrally is the Co-Writer for Sweet Discord, an inspirational + lifestyle blog, and owner of Farrally Paperie, LLC, an invitation and party decor handmade shop. Learn more about converting the negatives in your life into positive opportunities. Together we can find inspiration for your lifestyle.

Do you find it hard to stay positive when paying off debt?



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