Hello everyone and happy July! I know, I know, I am late with publishing my July goals and June goals update. I have no excuse for this.
June was another good month for me. I got married, went on a 2 week long road trip to Colorado and Utah, I made $12,787 in June, and overall it was just a fun month.
We are still waiting on our wedding pictures, but we did get a few early pictures from our wedding photographer (I posted those the other day). They were amazing and I can’t wait to see the rest.
Our honeymoon.
We went on a road trip right after the wedding, and while that was a lot of fun, that was definitely Wes’s version of a honeymoon haha. I finally booked my version of a honeymoon and we will be going on a cruise.
On Sunday, we leave for an 8 day cruise. This cruise is through Royal Caribbean and goes to their private island, Jamaica, and Cozumel. I am super excited and this will be our first cruise.
Do you have any cruising tips?
Oh yeah, don’t worry, I will still have internet and I will still be working at least a little bit!
We have entered the modern age and we now have Netflix.
Oh yeah, and we finally got Netflix! Our first month is free, and after that I believe it’s $8 per month. I don’t know why we waited so long to do this.
We are now thinking about getting rid of our cable because we haven’t watched anything on cable since we signed up for Netflix.
Netflix is almost a bad thing for us because we are definitely watching a lot more TV than how much we used to watch. Anyone else the same way? For a day or two we actually thought about getting rid of it because of how much time we were wasting. We just have no self-control when it comes to TV!
We finished Breaking Bad the other day (oh boy was that good!), and now we are watching Orange is the New Black. I am really enjoying that show as well. Next will probably be House of Cards because everyone keeps saying that we NEED to watch it.
What else do we need to watch?
I do have a question though, what do I do if I still want to watch new shows? Is that what Hulu is for? Haha I know, I am behind on the times!

This is a picture I took from a wedding guest. We are missing a groomsman in this picture.
June Goals Update
Make $13,000 in business income. FAIL. Technically, I did make over $13,000, but when you take expenses out I did not. I was super close though!
Go on a honeymoon. PASS. We sort of went on a honeymoon. We went on that 2 week road trip to Colorado and Utah. I’m going to call that Wes’s honeymoon. Then, we are going on a Caribbean cruise and we will call that my honeymoon. 🙂
Run/walk 4 miles (4 days a week), and do some lifting/ab work. FAIL. Working out has been nonexistent for me…
Have a fun wedding! PASS PASS PASS. Our wedding was amazing!
July Goals
Make $13,000 in business income. I am keeping my same income goal from the past few months.
Get back to my workout routine. This will be hard since we will be going on a cruise, but I would still like to accomplish SOMETHING. Luckily, our cruise ship has a track. I just need to actually use it though.
Eat out no more than 5 times. We still have a restaurant problem, but the past few weeks we have been doing really well. I would really like to keep this up. This goal doesn’t include the cruise though as meals are included in the cruise fare price.
Create a giveaway for my 3 year blogiversary. My 3 year date is coming up. Crazy, right? What would you like to win?
Declutter my closet. My closet right now could rival something in that Hoarders show. No, seriously. It needs to change.
How did you do in June? What is your main goal for July?
Have you been doing well with your income, spending and being healthy?