Hey everyone! Happy Monday. I hope you all had an awesome weekend. I still can’t believe that it’s June. The year is just flying by.
We didn’t do a whole ton this weekend, just did a lot of relaxing and some side hustle work.
This week I have Thursday off and we are taking our engagement photos. W isn’t too happy because he doesn’t like photos. I honestly just want pictures of us and the dogs haha… I hope they turn out great! I really don’t want the normal cheesy looking photos where everything is posed. I want them as natural looking as possible. I’ll share some photos with you all as soon as I get them.
I wanted to share something funny with you all – well at least it’s funny to me. The other day I received an email from a reader, and she was telling me that my blog is helpful. We then started talking back and forth and she actually went to the same high school as me, and she lives in the same town as me! Small world, right?
Also, don’t forget but Google Reader shuts down in a couple of weeks. Don’t forget to switch your reader over to something else. I’ve come to love Bloglovin, so I recommend trying that out. What are you switching to?
Student Loan Update
My student loans are ALMOST GONE. That’s so nice to say. I will definitely have them paid off by the end of this month. I know that I’ve had some delays, but I am still of course very happy with my progress. Also, not putting thousands of dollars (my minimum payment was less than $500 but I’ve been throwing a lot of extra money towards the loans) towards student loans every single month will feel awesome!
We did do some spending in the past week. We bought W some new clothes for the engagement photos but I believe that was all. Spent around $200 but he could use the clothes anyway, so it was worth it.

Extra Income (does not include income from our main jobs)
Extra income was good last week, but I’m still waiting on quite a few payments. Hopefully these will FINALLY be collected this week because some are so old that they were due when I was on vacation in St. Thomas early last month.
I also finally launched my new blog this weekend. Diversified Finances is live! There isn’t much on it right now. I was going to wait to share it with you all, but I’m not much of a secret keeper and wanted to share it immediately. This blog will be all about how I’m trying to diversify my finances and eventually become financially independent.
Some of you might be wondering WHY I started a second blog. Well, I figured I wanted to bring Making Sense of Cents back to all things personal finance, and not talk 100% about my side hustles.
I went through my past posts recently, and pretty much 99% of them are about my side hustles. I have a ton of ideas for side hustles posts for the future (like over 50), and decided that since I like to talk so much, a second blog would probably be a better idea. I don’t think I will be posting too, too often on Diversified Finances, but maybe 2 to 3 times per week.
So what does this mean for my extra income posts? I’m still not sure. What would you rather I do? Should I post my monthly extra income posts on this blog or the other one? It would fit on the other blog better, but it seems to be such a big staple on Making Sense of Cents! Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Posts from my blog:
$7,641 in Extra Income – Side Hustles! – This is my monthly extra income posts. I answered a lot of reader questions, so I hope you all enjoyed it.
How to prepare for self employment – I plan on making the switch, and there are a lot of things that I need to think about. Thanks everyone for your wonderful suggestions!
Finding time for it all – Summer edition – This is a post by Jordann. Summer always seems to fly by!
Keep driving an old car or buy a new one – This is a post by Gary. We all know that me and W like our cars and have new ones. Go judge me 😛
Link Love
Early Retirement Isn’t Us Evolving PF – This was probably my most favorite post recently. Early retirement isn’t for everyone. I don’t want early retirement either, I want financial independence! I definitely recommend that you read this post, along with the interesting comments.
Can a Masters Degree yield a negative return? Student Debt Survivor – Interesting post! I do think that my Finance MBA was worthwhile.
When Passion Turns Into Work Debt Roundup – Another great post since I am making the switch to self employment. Will my self-employment work just all become “work?”
Baby Fever. Kids are cute but they sure are expensive! Mo Money Mo Houses – I agree, everyone is having kids!
What do you actually want? Cash Rebel – This post is something that I have been thinking about a lot lately. Cash Rebel is a great blog and I definitely think everyone should be reading it.
Strategery – Save Time and Money Working From Home Club Thrifty – Haha another one of my favorites. I definitely see us being able to save a lot of money (or at least some), once I make the switch.
Would you take a 10% pay cut to get Fridays off? Budgets are Sexy – YES I WOULD! Three day weekends all the time would be amazing. The pay cut would stink, but I do think the exchange would be worthwhile. Would you take a 10% pay cut?
I was mentioned in a carnival also at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff 🙂
Being healthy
I have actually been doing AWESOME with being more healthy. I did eat unhealthy yesterday, but for the most part I have been eating pretty healthy and working out a good amount.
I’ve been trying to run/walk at least a mile each dog with our dog (the other dog doesn’t go for walks – the joys of having a French Bulldog runt). I’ve also been trying to run around 4 miles every other day along with working out each day. It’s so nice having a gym in our basement and a cute pup to run with. I think I’m going to make it a monthly goal to run/walk at least 100 miles each month. It’s a lot, but I definitely that that it is doable.
Have you been doing well with your extra income, spending and being healthy?