Last year in Kauai
Lately, I’ve been feeling like I’m constantly looking for time. Okay I just lied, I have been feeling like this for many years now. I always have so many things on my to do list, so many goals that I want to accomplish, and so many new things that I would like to learn or do.
Back in February, Young Adult Money made a post about things he wish he had more time for. That post was my main inspiration for updating the post that I made a little over a year ago about the endless list of things that I want to do. There are so many more things that I want to do, but this list covers the major areas.
Also, I know I promised everyone a post on my schedule and time management, but that post is still in the works. Today, you’ll just have to sit back and try and think of ways that I can fit all of these new things into my to do list while still having a good work-life balance.
Start working more on my new business
Some of you might have noticed/guessed, but my new business plan is definitely at a stand still right now. I have absolutely no time to work on it, and am waiting until I have some more free time. I haven’t put any real thought into it for awhile.
A couple extra hours a day couldn’t help with this, because obviously I can’t just travel for 2 hours each day and then come home. However, I would love to be able to take a month long trip or something as awesome. More short vacations would be nice also. I definitely love to travel, and going to new places and trying new things is definitely fun for me.
If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the post from my blog the other day titled We Quit Our Jobs with $26,000 to Travel the World.
Learn how to sail
Me and W have been talking about getting a sailboat, but that is on hold for now since we bought the car and have other things that we need to pay for (such as finishing off my student loans!). I would love to do this soon, and there is a marina pretty close to where we live.
Work on my pilot’s license
I have my beginner’s class in May, and I actually get to fly a plane for 30 minutes in this class. My dad had his pilot’s license and I will always remember how awesome it was. We would take a small plane out on the weekends and he would fly us around our city. It was a fun time! He loved flying and I would love to follow after him and get my pilot’s license as well.
Work on our home’s curb appeal
There are so many things that we want to do outside. Hopefully I can get this post live with our budget and expected expenses soon. We want greener grass as there was sort of a drought last year and we weren’t supposed to water our lawns, grass then turned disgusting. We tried fixing it late last summer but it was already dead and wouldn’t grow back. We also want to have a garden in the back yard, get rid of the vines that are taking over our patio, plant some flowers in the front yard, and add some more lighting onto the house as well.
Definitely a long list! I will have to squeeze in some time for this soon. I’m hoping to spend no more than $300 on the whole thing, and I’m pretty positive that we can do this.
Be crafty
I am always stalking Young House Love. I wish I could do exactly what they do! My house would look awesome and I would be begging to go home everyday just to hang out in it. I lack any creative skills though, so whatever I do has to either already be on Pinterest, or just really well thought out.
Read more
I have hundreds on books on my Kindle, but have only read a couple. I need to start reading more, and finishing some book series that I’ve started, such as the Hunger Games.
What would you do if you had a couple of extra hours per day?