Olx has become a household name in India by reaching audience with their TV commercials and video promos on internet. Olx.in is a leading classifieds site where people can post free ads in India according to their needs. Gone are the days when people would publish their ads or search for services in newspapers. Everything could be done instantly online with your finger touch. In the recent years the usage of smartphones and tablets has grown tremendously. Android and Apple Ios are two big players who are dominating the smartphone industry. Apple users can download OLX Classifieds in Apple store and access it on iPhone and iPad. Android users can straightaway download the app from Play store.

To reach vast smartphone user base Olx has come up with a great mobile application. Being a user you can easily buy and sell products or services via Olx mobile app without any hassles. Olx developed this mobile app to meet the consumer requirements according to the platforms they use and I opine that it is a great idea. Most of the users felt it more comfortable to use olx on mobiles than on desktops or laptops. To get maximum leverage users should integrate map within app. It would help a user to track specific results while searching for services/products locally. Non-smartphone users can also take advantage of olx with their mobile site (m.olx.in).
From the past 2 years Olx is showing significant increase in terms of traffic and the stunning fact is that the olx mobile app users have exceeded the actual web users. This shows the real importance of the mobile app and how popular it is.

Why one should use Olx mobile app on their smartphone or tablet
1. Being a user you can upload a picture straightaway from his/her mobile, set price and write few lines about product/service to post ad. It is so simple, Isn’t it?
2. One could always get customized results on the basis of location.
3. You have complete control on buying, selling and responding to the ads within app.
4. Users can also share their ads with their friends via Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and e-mail. These activities may help users to get more responses to their ads.