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Goals for the Week

I know it’s already Tuesday, but I figured posting my goals is better than having no goals.

  1. Make dinner everyday this week.

  2. Bring lunch to work everyday.

  3. Do not go grocery shopping except for milk and bread this week.

  4. Spend no more than $40 this weekend on going out.

  5. Leave the air conditioning or heat off no matter what. I’m really starting to hate that it’s getting to 95 degrees during the day and 35 degrees in the mornings. I think this should be done now but last week it was annoying.

  6. No more vending machine purchases before/between/after classes after I get off work.

  7. Do lots of ab stuff!

We did OK this past weekend with eating out. We made meals as much as we can. I had credit in my Groupon account (not sure why?) so I bought a Chevys Groupon, $10 for $20, and we used it on Saturday. Our meal after the Groupon was only $6.77 (with tip), so I would say that’s quite a deal. Then on Sunday we were wanting Mexican again and we spent $20.31. We really want to eat in and save our money because we were still hungry both times after we ate out.

Also, I wasn’t feeling good on Saturday, so after Chevys, I let the BF run inside Walgreens to get me medicine. He bought $38 worth of Mucinex and sinus medicine! Never again will I let him go inside while I sit in the car.

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