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Goals and Extra Monthly Income Update

Writer's picture: Puang ReviewsPuang Reviews

Already Tuesday, woo hoo! Today I’m doing a recap on my long list of goals. I have one problem with goals though. I tend to completely forget about them until I do my goal recap posts. Uh oh, what’s the point of goals if you never look? Hopefully I start checking in on my goals more often.

Also, I switched to Intense Debate for my comments. What does everyone think of them? I prefer it, but I will switch back if it’s not as user-friendly as I think it is. You don’t need an account or anything to comment. Let me know what you think!

March was a good month for us. We were good with our food budget and cooked a lot. We plan on cooking a lot in April as well. Our heat and electric bills went down due to super nice weather. But it’s going to be a hot April most likely. The past couple of days have been around 90 degrees, so we’ve had our air conditioning on.

You can find my February goals list here, and my 2012 goals update here (I will not be updating this as often).

March Goals Update

  1. Finally pay off my car. PASS. I paid it off completely! Read about it here.

  2. Save an extra $10 a day for a new camera. ??? Haven’t been keeping track. Not too worried about this anymore.

  3. Reassess our budget and cut out $25. FAIL. I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.

  4. Start and finish homework before it’s due. PASS. Doing pretty good with this!

  5. Workout at least 3 times a week. FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL. How many more times can I say this? I’ve been running with my dog at least once a week, but not much more than that.

  6. Sell my stuff to a consignment shop. FAIL. I didn’t do this. I think I did most of my selling in February, but none in March (I might have that backwards, not sure). I need to get rid of more. There are so many things that I do not wear.

  7. Take a picture of my insane closet for you all. PASS! I made a post on my ridiculousness.

  8. Make an extra $500 this month. PASS. I made just around $500. See below for more detail.

  9. Move shoes to my new closet. FAIL. Nope. Haven’t really started my closet yet. I need to put bookshelves together and clear out all the trash in the extra bedroom.

  10. Don’t spend any more money on clothes than what I sell. PASS. I believe I only spent around $50 on clothes this month. I have a horrible memory though, so if I’m wrong, yell at me.

  11. Get my front windshield fixed. FAIL. I HAVE to do this month though, so I know it will be done.

  12. Have loads of fun while on vacation! PASS PASS PASS. Had loads of fun! Need to do a recap.

April Goals

  1. Reassess our budget and cut out $25. I’m sure there’s something we could cut out… Our cable contract is up soon, so I’m going to call soon and get them to lower our rate.

  2. Workout at least 2 times a week. I keep failing at this. But I have so many reasons for why I need a good body for the summer. Memorial day, vacations, Vegas, pools, and so on. I want a nice stomach!

  3. Run with my dog at least twice a week.

  4. Sell 30 items to a consignment shop. I need to do this and get rid of a lot more, but I feel like with a number, I am more likely to think about it.

  5. Make an extra $500 this month. I’ve been good with this so far. While it’ll be nice to someday make more, right now I seem to be stuck at $500.

  6. Start moving stuff into my bigger closet. I’ve been horrible with this. I have bookshelves and everything ready, but I’ve been lazy. I will get this done this month.

  7. Get my front windshield fixed. See above 🙂

  8. Spend less than $500 on food and entertainment. This is a hard one for us. We like to go out but we should just invite people over more often.

  9. Eat in at least 5 times a week. We’ve been pretty good with this, but need to keep it up.

  10. Make 1 vegetarian meal a week. We eat meat everyday. We need to change this. I think this is a good start.

P.S. Check out other bloggers’ goals as well. Savvy Financial Latina posted hers as well. Let me know if you want me to add your goals link to this post!

I also want to start hitting more blog goals, so I’m going to start listing them out so that I can keep track easier. These are amounts that I would looove to reach by the end of April:

  1. Twitter followers: Goal is for 350, I’m currently at 233. I don’t know why I waited so long to make a Twitter account!

  2. Alexa rank: Goal is to be under 90,000. I’m currently at 112,000.

  3. RSS readers: Goal is for 650, I’m currently at 564.

Extra Monthly Income in March

  1. Ad links on my blog -$426

  2. Sponsored posts -$0

  3. Surveys -$6

  4. Mystery Shopping -$53

So I actually made $485 extra last month!

How did you do in March? Any extra income?


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