I recently heard about a new company called FinMason. They understand that there is a retirement crisis going on, and that the majority of people do not save anywhere near the amount of money that they need to save.
Kendrick Wakeman, founder and CEO of FinMason, understands this. In his article on CNBC, Risk tolerance is a blind spot for ‘accidental’ investors, he says:
Whether investors are saving for retirement, a college education for their kids or their first home, it’s never been more important for them to have a strategic understanding of risk tolerance in order to meet their goals. This is magnified when you consider that many households have become investors by “accident” or are saving for retirement via their employer’s 401(k) plan, with little or no financial training. For those with retirement in mind and a far shorter runway from which to build wealth — or rebuild it, in the event of an unexpected downturn — it’s only that much more critical to have a view into the different scenarios that could alter both their near- and intermediate-term plans.
That’s why FinMason is here. FinMason has created a process to help the average person better understand their investment choices. The FinMason team has over 170 years combined investment experience, with over 6,000,000 investments have been analyzed. They know what they are doing!
Their tool allows you to do a reality check on the financial advice you’ve received (we’ve all heard so many different things, right?), better understand how your savings and money could do in the future, see the strengths and weaknesses in your investment portfolio, and receive a better picture of what investments will help or hurt your portfolio.
I highly recommend checking out FinMason’s risk widget. It’s free and can help you take charge and control of your finances in just a few steps.
With the FinMason risk widget, you can see:
How much investment risk you should be taking – this is something that pretty much everyone wonders about, right?
If your current investments are too risky or perhaps not even risky enough
See if you are on track with retirement or not
See how much you may lose in a possible stock market crash – I thought this was interesting!
The risk widget just takes a few minutes to go all the way though, and my nerdy self honestly had some fun filling this out to see what it would say.
I know what you may be thinking “But I’m not finance- savvy!” That’s completely okay. In fact, that’s what FinMason is here for. This risk widget makes everything easy to understand. You don’t need a finance degree or an advisor sitting next to you in order to understand the risk widget or what’s going on.
Everything is so simple!

FinMason is a free service that was formed to help average investors take charge of their retirement savings and investments. Their service gives unbiased opinions and helps investors understand better.
They also use simple graphics to help you understand investing better. I tried out their service myself and I found it very easy to understand, so I recommend you try it out as well!