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Excessive Amount of Goals Update and my DSLR/Travel savings fund

Writer's picture: Puang ReviewsPuang Reviews

I hope everyone is having a great week! I’m glad it’s Wednesday. This Friday is the BF’s birthday, so I need to find him something. He’s getting his CCW this weekend most likely, so that might just be his present. Also it was around 70 degrees again yesterday! This weather is really throwing me off, but I love it.

This post is going to be about the whole bunch of goals that I have. I’ll be updating you on my monthly and 2012 goals. AHHH right? Just to recap, I talked about my January goals here, and my 2012 goals here. I didn’t realize how many goals I had until I started typing up this post. Anything that was doubled, I just took out for the month.

Overall I’m doing pretty good I think. There’s definitely some things that I can work on, but hey it’s still early in the year so I have plenty of time to work on myself.

I’ve also decided that I want to try and save an extra $10 a day for a DSLR for my vacations. I’d like to buy one before our March vacation. That will give me around $600, but I’m sure I’ll need more. I also want to buy a water proof casing for it. How much does a good one of those run?

What’s a good model? How much? Someone help!

I also realized that I want to do a lot of stuff when we’re on our March vacation. I’ve been looking at a bunch of water sports websites and I really want to go stand up paddle boarding and kayaking. This will be around $300 for the both of us (I priced it out).

I would also like to go scuba diving or snorkeling. I’ve never done this. How much does this usually cost? So I want to save a lot more money for this vacation. I might just move around the vacation money and put more into our March vacation fund.

Anyways, onto my lists:

2012 GOALS

  1. Have lots of fun. PASS. Ha well I’m sure how to gauge this goal, but so far 2012 has been great!

  2. Get toned. FAIL. I think I worked out once this month, and of course I have no abs. How sad is this.

  3. Have a great year at work. PASS. Work has been great so far!

  4. Get my MBA. Not yet, but soon! I’m going to sound like a dork, but I feel like I’ve learned so much from my classes this semester so far, I’m guessing it’s because it all applies to my field, so I’m paying attention.

  5. Pay off my car by March 2012. This will be paid off within the next couple of days! WHOO HOO

  6. Decrease my student loans to $20,000. Haven’t really touched this too much this past month. But I am still on track.

  7. Save around $4,500 for vacations. Saved some!

  8. Make $10,000 in side income. I’m on my way for this I’ve made around $600 this month in side income so far, and I’ve also gotten refunds of around $300 so far also from my mortgage overpayment.

  9. Grow my blog. I’m definitely growing, thanks guys! My Alexa number is dropping a lot (it’s still high because I bought a domain so I had to start over), so hopefully it keeps dropping!

  10. Volunteer twice a month. FAIL, haven’t volunteered yet, and most likely will not until the summer time.

  11. Increase my net worth to $85,000. Obviously this hasn’t been completed in 30 days, but I’m on my way!

  12. Keep track of my goals. FAIL. Except for right now, I haven’t looked at my goals since I made them,

January Goals

  1. Make 2012 goals. PASS. Did this, DUH see above!

  2. Reassess our budget and cut out $50. I posted yesterday about my budget. Up until yesterday, I hadn’t cut anything out, but I got a letter the other day and my mortgage payment is going down $64 a month, so this is a PASS!

  3. Start and finish homework before it’s due. PASS. Yes I have been doing some of my homework during my lunch break at work on the same day, but I’m still doing it. I would like to put more effort into it though.

  4. Workout at least 1 time a week. FAIL. See above. I want to start working out Thurs-Sun this week and forever… We shall see!

  5. Sell my stuff on Ebay. FAIL. I’ve sold some stuff, but not as much as I’d like. On Thursday I’m hoping to get through more stuff and put it online.

  6. Take down my Christmas tree. PASS. But I also failed, I hate to say this, but even though our main tree is down, we still have our “joke” Charlie Brown tree still up. It’s so tiny that we’ve honestly forgot about it.

  7. Make an extra $500 this month. PASS. I made over $600 from blog income and surveys!

How are your January and 2012 goals going?

Update: Lots of you have asked about my side income. A post on this should be up either this week or next! Look out.



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