The old saying goes “when life gives you lemons…” and there’s usually a reason why these proverbs stick around. They can be applied to many situations throughout your life, and this phrase in particular is especially poignant when it comes to your finances: life WILL give you lemons, and at some point you’re going to have to deal with that.
Unfortunately for many families the proverbial lemons have to be dealt with each and every month, when the money starts to run dry, and long before payday rears its sweet, refreshing head. For people who struggle to get by, there are options to help you out month-to-month – you just have to be sure you’re not using them long term.
“When life gives you lemons make lemonade” refers to making the best of a bad situation, and by anyone’s book debt can be defined as a bad situation. If you find yourself dealing with a financial emergency and you’re struggling to cope while you wait for your next paycheque, lenders like Dollars Direct provide the payday loans Edmonton, British Columbia and Ontario residents may benefit from when times are hard.
For the most part, payday loans are intended to manage unexpected costs such as repairs to your car, extra journeys that are essential to make and bills that you just can’t pay for that are due days or even weeks before your wage comes in next. The lending system is much more streamlined than used to be case in the traditional loan stores, and for many providers there is no faxing involved – just a fast and simple application process.
If you find yourself short of cash at any point, there are a alternatives to the banks that can help you to avoid being caught out and minimise expenses before it gets any worse.