Disqus discovery review
Bloggers community better know Disqus than anyone else. It’s all because of their incredible commenting and online discussion system. Tens of thousands of people are using Disqus successfully on their blogs. In year 2012 Disqus has found a new way to increase their revenues by introducing Discovery platform for publishers. It’s similar to native advertising platforms like Outbrain and Taboola. Publishers can experience related articles from their own blogs as well as other sites. It’s a great way to boost your reader engagement.

How to join Disqus discovery platform
Only established Disqus commenters get allowed to join Disqus discovery platform. Disqus discovery review your publisher application after submission. Once confirmed from Disqus’s side publishers can straightaway jump into their admin panel to customize appearance of ads and update payment info.
How does Disqus discovery platform work
Sites and blogs start showing Disqus discovery boxes when advertising get enabled. Being a publisher you get paid when someone clicks on the sponsored link. You could see good conversions when you combine both video and direct response ads. Readers will be going to experience internal links of the publisher site if Disqus failed to show external stories. Internal links always help publishers to increase the traffic to their sites.
Ad formats
Disqus discovery platform offers 3 types of ads: sponsored links, video and direct response ads. The earnings generated from sponsored links depend on CTR where as it is eCPM in the case of video ads. Publishers can choose IAB standard banners from Video and response ads category.
Publishers can filter the sponsored content according to these following 4 options :
Highly filtered
Moderately filtered
Lightly filtered
Least filtered
Apart from content recommendation publishers could also make money with Disqus affiliate links. Disqus has tied up with Viglink to show product links. When a visitor buys something from the link you get paid.
Disqus pays its publishers on Net-30 basis. The different payment options are PayPal, Check, eCheck, ACH and Wire transfer. However you are liable to pay taxes for all options. The minimum payout is $100.
Best features
Hassle free installation
Publishers can have full control on discovery recommendations
Internal links increase engagements
Can work along with other ad networks like Media.net.
Timely payment
No auto approval
High threshold payment
Disqus didn’t disclose revenue share information.
Readers may experience irrelevant promoted stories.
Final conclusion of Disqus discovery platform
Blogs having great content, good readership and adequate traffic from US should try Disqus discovery. Hope this Disqus discovery review helps publishers to get started.