Welcome to Day 1!
Have you thought about why you want to start a blog? What made you want to enroll in this course and learn more about blogging?
There are many different reasons why you may want to start a blog. I started my blog purely as a hobby, and it all grew from there! There are others who start their blog as a way to make money right from the very beginning.
There is no right or wrong answer for why you should start a blog, and many people start blogs for all kinds of reasons.
Below are reasons you may want to think about starting a blog.
1. To Have Fun
Before I started blogging, I never gave it a single thought. Now that I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years, I couldn’t imagine not blogging.
I like reading posts on other blogs, finding new people to talk to, and especially writing. Blogging is a fun hobby and business to have, regardless of the subject that you are writing about.
2. To Blog For Others
No matter what type of blog you have, you are helping others. Someone may be motivated by your blog posts, they may learn something new, they may find enjoyment from reading your writing, and so on.
I like to talk about personal finance so that I can help others. For me, I have learned a lot (and I’m still learning) about blogging, extra income, personal finance and everything else – all from other bloggers.
Hopefully, my blog posts help and motivate others to be awesome with their finances as well. For example, I hope that all of my extra income posts help motivate others to create multiple streams of income. I hope that others will want to pay off their high-interest student loans. I hope that others want to become more in control when it comes to their finances.
3. To Be a Part of an Awesome Community
I’ve made a lot of good friends through my blog. And, I love receiving emails from readers and blog friends that I’ve made. Being able to connect and learn from others is one of the biggest positives of blogging.
4. To Grow
A blog can help you grow in so many ways. You will most likely become even more passionate in the topics that you love, you will constantly learn new things, you will meet many new people, and more.
5. To Build a Business
Of course, I have to include this as a reason to start a blog. Blogging can be a great way to improve the business you already have, or to create a business all on its own.
I know several successful bloggers and they all say the same thing, that blogging is the best thing that has ever happened to them. I agree!
I started as a hobby blogger and now I run a successful personal finance blog that earns me over $70,000 a month, and I forecast it to continue to grow well into the future. My blog allowed me and my husband to leave the day jobs we disliked to pursue something that we loved. Now, we travel full-time, make a great living, have a flexible schedule, have more time to spend with loved ones, and we will be able to retire early.
If you are not a student of this free blogging course, you can sign up by clicking on this link, or by entering your information in the form below.