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Creating and managing your own advertising network

Writer's picture: Puang ReviewsPuang Reviews

Are you tired of searching for an advertising network that would be perfect for your campaigns? You tried a lot of advertising networks but the results were unsatisfying? Maybe it’s time to think about creating your own advertising network.

How do you do that? It’s simple.

#1 Creating the Advertising Network

First, you need to find someone who can make an advertising network for you. Assuming you don’t have the programming skills necessary to create one by yourself, nor the time. I personally bought one from GetPopUnder and I’d recommend them to anyone who want to start in this business. They create a great product at a very good price with an astonishing quality.

You have to choose between 3 offers:

#1The Standard License – It offers you a starting point in advertising. They give you an already made platform with everything necessarily to test the business at an extremely low price: $500. It’s a great offer for people whom want to test this business without having a great budget for this. However, they offer you just the platform, so you must make the design and find some servers where you wish to host them. Also, the platform is encoded so you can’t add any new features to it unless you upgrade it to the Pro license.

#2The Pro License – It bring a lot more to the table: You’ve got the Un-encoded Platform that you can modify it how you wish. Afterwards, they will create you an unique website design by how you wish your platform to look. The limit here is your imagination. This offer is a lot more valuable than the Standard one because it gives you everything you need when you start fresh: An already made platform, an unique design & a brand that you can grow and make the world find out about you. All this for $3000.

#3The Private License – What is so special about this when the Pro License offered you this much already? Well, with the Private License you can create a better targeting based on your requirements. You can create targeting by device, mobile carrier, time, browser version and so on. You can create the most targeted advertising network on the market. How much does this costs? This depends on your wishes and you must contact them to find out how much would you project cost. My advertising network with the Private License took 5 days to be done and works great!

They have a Black Friday Campaign right now with 30% off on all their products, be sure to check it out on GetPopUnder.

#2 Get the best quality traffic that you can find

Secondly, You must search for reliable traffic sources or good publishers. I won’t give you any advice here as it’s better to check on your own and find out what traffic sources fits you best for your type of advertising network. You can either buy traffic from another advertising network, from another type of traffic source or directly from publishers – as you already have your own ad network. The idea here is to find out the best traffic and pay a proper price for it as you want to keep the publishers / traffic sources happy and deliver you the same kind of quality traffic.

#3 Get your first quality advertisers

You have deals with publishers and other great traffic sources? Awesome. Now it’s the time to shine! Find advertisers whom would be interested in your traffic. Don’t look for cheap ones anyway and keep it clean: Malwares, auto-downloadable files and tech support campaigns are not recommended for anyway whom would like to succeed in this business. Look for the type of advertisers with great budgets and whom would like to work with you on a longer period of time. But also – give them a test first. Prove that your traffic is legit and brings a great conversion rate and win the trust of the advertiser. Afterwards, all you need to do is to assure him a great conversion rate & a guarantee in case the conversion rate drops to 0 . With the publisher paid according to the quality of his traffic and the advertisers being happy because they have results – everyone is happy. Now keep it that way. Don’t be too greedy, you have a business where you are a commissionaire or a salesman, don’t lower the rates of the publishers just so you can get more outcome. This is a mistake a lot of people do and it costs them a fortune.

#4 Is your business going in the good direction? Good, invest in it.

So you put up all the steps I’ve mentioned before? Great. Now it’s time to make yourself famous. Word of mouth in this business is going on really great, but a little of extra exposure never hurt any business. Right now you’re on the right track: you’ve got the publishers happy, the advertisers are having great results and you are earning an income out of this business. Everything is great, but with a little advertising it could work better. Find blogs, forums, people whom would like to advertise you brand on their websites. You can test the free ones first to see that this type of advertising does have success. Afterwards, go to the paid ones and create quality ads that are going to bring more and more people to your advertising network. Where you see the results coming, keep investing. It means those sources are bringing new customers to your business and the price you pay is really worth the money.

#5 Keep up with your competitors

To succeed in this industry, you must always keep track with your competition. If they’ve launched a new promotion and took some of your customers, think about a way to strike back. If they’ve implemented more things to their ad network – do the same. Keep track with them and outrace them every time you can. If you don’t update your ad network at least once at 3 -6 months, you are more likely to fail. People tend to search for new advertising networks where they could find a better deal, better conversion rate, better rates, etc. One of the great things in this industry is that people can use 3 or more advertising networks, according to their needs. Someone can use you and your biggest competitor too and be happy working with both. You just need a few things to make yourself different from any of your competitors. To always have an advantage.

#6 It’s time to be creative

Now you’ve got everything you need: A business that is skyrocketing trough others, you’ve got advertising, people hearing about you daily and being happy with your services and a stable income that is more than enough for a person new in this industry. It’s time to be creative: hire people to do the work for you, optimizing the campaign, getting more advertisers & publishers and always keep them motivated. Launch a contest where the guy who deliver the best quality traffic will receive a prize in money / a product.

Be inventive, come with good ideas and make your business grow greater than ever before.

# 7 Conclusion

Hope this tutorial gave you a small idea about how to start in this industry and manage your business. I wrote it the best I could, some of these ideas were tested, others not. It’s about to you if you want to put them in practice and transform the idea into a business.

About me: I am Anis, media buyer for I’ve wrote this article because I wanted to show how our system works.

For those of you who would like to know more about PopEarn, you can contact me on or skype: popearn.

Source: Sevio Solutions


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