We’ve been asked some interesting questions, ever since we started RVing.
While they seem funny to us now, I know that we have had some of these same questions before we started RVing as well. Due to that, I knew I had to answer some of the most common RV questions we have received in a blog post.
Some of the questions we are asked are from those who think we are crazy for living in an RV. Whereas, others are from people who are interested in RVing, but are unsure about certain things. Either way, I hope to clear up a lot of the common RV questions we receive.
You will never know: maybe, I’ll convert some of you. 🙂
Below are questions that I’ve been asked by friends, family, readers, and even strangers. It’s always an interesting time, trying to explain RVing to strangers who stop me at the store after they’ve seen me get out of our RV.
It’s a lot of fun, though. I love answering RV questions and getting others hooked on this lifestyle!
1. Do you shower?
Yes, we shower. We have a shower in our RV. I use soap, shampoo, and everything else. I shower just like how I would at home.
The water is hot, too. We have a tankless water heater, and while it’s not always perfect, I am still able to shower.
2. Who dumps the gross stuff?
Wes, my husband, of course.
I have never dumped either of the tanks, and I don’t see that happening any time soon. That was actually the number one rule when we decided to get an RV – that I would never dump the tanks.
3. What do you do when you have to use the bathroom?
We use it.
Haha! For real, we have a flushing toilet in our RV, so we use the bathroom, just like if we were in a “real” home.
4. How/what do you eat?
We make food in our kitchen. We have a table, fridge, microwave, stove, convection oven, and a slow cooker. We are able to cook, just as if we were at home.
5. What do you do for internet?
I have a Verizon MiFi that I use for internet. With this device, I can access the internet from almost anywhere.
RV park internet is notoriously bad. If you plan on working online while traveling full-time, I highly recommend having an internet device.
6. Why are you RVing? Do you like it?
We love RVing for many reasons:
We love to travel. RVing allows us to visit so many more places than if we lived in one spot.
We love being able to take our home to fun destinations and not having to pack up every single time.
It’s a relatively affordable way to travel and live.
It’s much more comfortable and easy to bring our home with us to all of the places that we want to visit.
7. Is RVing safe?
Yes, I believe that RVing is safe. We’ve never felt unsafe, while traveling in our RV.
8. Do you ever do laundry?
Interestingly, this is one of the top questions I hear.
Yes, we do laundry!
Most RV parks have laundromats, so we are able to do laundry as often as we need to.
9. What do your dogs do all day?
Sadly, there are some who don’t think we’re treating our dogs well, due to the fact that they live in an RV. I’m not sure how this is any different from someone, who keeps their dog in a house or an apartment, as our dogs still have multiple sleeping spots. They can stretch their legs, eat and drink, and more.
They are actually more active now, because I take them for hikes every single day. Our bigger dog walks around 5-10 miles a day and sleeps the entire rest of the day. Our smaller dog, on the other hand, hates going outside, so he is definitely perfect for RV life.
Our dogs go on fun hikes all the time. They also enjoy paddle boarding (yes, they LOVE it), and lots of lovin’ while in the RV.
10. Do you hate each other yet?
Nope! Living in an RV has actually brought us closer together.
11. What do you do for a living, so that you can RV full-time?
This isn’t a common RV question that I receive from readers. However, I hear this all the time when I’m on the road or when I bump into someone in person.
This is a question that is always funny to answer, because many don’t think you can make money while traveling. However, you can!
I make my living entirely online through my blog. I earned over $300,000 in 2015 through my blog, and I am hoping to double that in 2016.
Related: How To Make Money While Traveling
12. How do you receive mail?
We belong to a mail forwarding company, called My Dakota Address. All of our mail gets sent there, and then this company forwards our mail to wherever we are.
13. Where do you like to stay?
I’ll be honest and say that we are not usually huge fans of RV parks. There are some nice ones out there (we’re at an awesome one right now in Tucson that we love), but we don’t like to be packed in the middle of a bunch of RVs, which is how most RV parks are.
If we do stay at an RV park for a long period of time, we like to make sure that we have a view, where at least one side of us backs up to something awesome, such as the ocean, desert, mountain, etc. The RV park that we are at right now is amazing. It is affordable, and our spot backs up to 40,000 acres of beautiful state park and national park land. This is the best RV park we have stayed at yet.
Usually, though, this is why we prefer campgrounds at state parks, national parks, and so on, because you get a much better view and a little more space.
14. What kind of gas mileage do you get in your RV?
We actually get somewhat good gas mileage in our RV. We get around 14-15 miles per gallon!
Our RV is not the norm, though. I believe the average RV gets less than 10 miles per gallon.
15. Why would you want to explore the U.S.?
This is my least favorite question and it honestly makes me want to scream.
The U.S. is full of awesome landscapes and there are so many beautiful and fun things to see here. Just take a look at some of my Instagram photos below for proof.

16. Are you happy in your RV?
I honestly don’t think we’ve ever been happier. We love everything about our new lifestyle.
The only thing I would change is that I wish we would have known that we were going to be RVing full-time, because now we want to tow a car. With our current RV, we are unable to tow anything more than 2,000 pounds.
Other than that, though, everything is perfect! We are extremely excited to see what the next year (or more!) brings us. Our plans for the next year after Tucson include Phoenix, Sedona, Grand Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, Moab, numerous places in Colorado, and then slowly making our way to the Florida Keys.
It will be an amazing year!
Side note: My friend Heath also just wrote a similar post about interesting questions him and his wife are asked all the time as well. Check out 21 Questions Everyone Asks Us About Living In An RV! If you’re seriously interested about living in an RV, I recommend you check out Heath’s blog. Heath and his wife are amazing.
What other questions do you have for me? Do you think you could do RV life?