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Best Ways To Save Money In The Summer

Are you looking for ways to save money in the summer?

Summer is here!

We are already a few weeks into summer, and if you are feeling the summer money pinch, this blog post may be coming at the perfect time for you.

Summer is the most expensive time of the year for many people. This is the season for children being out of school, summer vacations, and more, and all of these things may mean that you are spending more money than usual.

However, that doesn’t always have to be the case!

For us, the summer months are actually some of our most affordable months. We are already fairly frugal people, but there are many things that happen in the summer that make it even more affordable for us (such as fun outdoor activities and free festivals to attend).

In today’s blog post, I am going to talk about the many different ways you can save money this summer, so that you can truly enjoy the season without worrying about when your next paycheck is going to come in.

Below are several ways to save money in the summer:

Enjoy the outdoors to save money in the summer

The summer can be a great time to enjoy the outdoors. Even though I am currently typing this in Mississippi, where it’s extremely hot (100 to 105 degrees for several weeks now), that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been going outside.

I’ve actually been riding my bike around 4 to 5 days a week. The key here is that I go for early morning bike rides, before the temperature makes it too unbearable. This is great because I start the day by getting in a good workout.

If you are in another part of the world, you may be able to enjoy the outdoors no matter what time of the day is.

No matter where you live, I’m sure there are outdoor activities that you can enjoy. Perhaps you could go for a hike, walk your dog, go rock climbing, go for a swim, go on a run, and more!

The options are endless.

Combine errands to save money in the summer

I’m the type of person who combines all of my errands. If I need one thing, I will wait until there are more things on my list to do or get.

This is good because it saves me valuable time, and I’m not wasting money on transportation such as gas.

However, I know that not everyone is this way. I know many people who will go out of their way to get one small item, even if they don’t need it right away.

If you are looking for a way to save money or time, this may be a good way to help. If something can wait, then you might as well save yourself some time and money by combining your errands and getting multiple things done at the same time.

Ride your bike and do errands to save money in the summer

If you have errands to complete, then, if you can, you may want to ride your bike to complete them. This is a great way to save money in the summer because you can get in a good workout, enjoy the summer weather, and complete an errand all at the same time.

Remember though, bring a bike lock with you so that your bike is safe! Also, of course, wear a helmet and use any other safety precautions that you deem necessary.

Turn your AC up a few degrees

It’s hot outside for most of us. I know this.

But, you may be able to save a little on your utility bills this summer by turning up your AC by just a few degrees.

I couldn’t find information on what the average person sets their thermostat at, but I always see social media statuses where people talk about what temperature their AC is set at during the summer. Many of the commenters usually say that their AC is set below 72 degrees and sometimes even as low as 65 degrees!

To save money, I recommend setting your thermostat at 76 to 78 degrees when you are home, and when you are going to sleep, or if no one is home, then you may even want to raise it a few degrees.

Doing this can save you around 10% or more on your next electric bill.

Block out the sun to save money in the summer

Our RV heats up quickly, so on hot days we make sure to block out the sun by closing all of the curtains. This keeps a lot of the heat out and helps keep our RV at a better temperature.

This can even help you if you live in a “normal” home 🙂

Use a programmable thermostat

If you haven’t yet, a programmable thermostat is something you should invest in. They are relatively cheap and you will most likely make your money back within a year, or maybe even just a few months.

With a programmable thermostat, you can set the temperature at exactly what you want it to be for different times throughout the day. This way you don’t have to constantly change it, as it will automatically change on a set schedule.

For example, your AC will automatically turn up when you leave for work so that you don’t waste electricity or money cooling a house that no one is in. You can also program it for while you are sleeping, for the weekend, when you are on vacation, and so on.

I did a simple online search, and I was able to find plenty of programmable thermostats for less than $50, well worth the small investment.

Know when to use your oven

It’s hot in the summer, I don’t have to say that twice. As I said before, I am currently writing this blog post in Mississippi, where it’s been around 100 degrees for several weeks now (we will be on our way to cool Colorado when this blog post goes live).

Due to the hot temperatures, we are careful when it comes to what we cook. We haven’t used the oven a whole lot, and if we do, we make sure that it’s not scorching hot outside. After all, we live in an RV, so using the oven heats up our entire home.

Instead, we try to use our slow cooker when it’s hot outside. I love a good crockpot meal, plus they are so easy to make.

Visit the library to save money in the summer

The library can be a great way to catch a break from the heat (they are always so cold!) and find a good book to read or movie to watch.

Your local library can offer many frugal ideas for you and your family.

You can borrow books or movies, which you can then bring home and have a fun night in with friends and/or family members.

Meal plan to save money in the summer

Meal planning is something that has completely changed our lives. We eat healthier than ever, we are saving money, and we have less food waste.

Did you know that the average person wastes over 40% of the food they buy? Yes, 40%!

If you have trouble eating at home, then try the $5 Meal Plan. They send meal plans directly to your email.

It’s only $5 a month (the first two weeks are free), and you get meal plans sent straight to you along with the exact shopping list you need in order to create the meals. Each meal costs around $2 or less per person. This allows you to save time because you won’t have to meal plan anymore, and it will save you money as well! If you are interested in joining for free, click here.

Shop garage sales to save money in the summer

It’s garage sale season, so if you are looking for something to buy this summer, you may first want to search around at garage sales.

This can also be a fun way to spend your morning. I have many friends who LOVE going to garage sales, and because things are so cheap, it may be worth it to you.

Find free events to save money in the summer

I recommend checking out your town’s calendar and website to see what free attractions and events are offered.

Also, if you live near a national park, you may want to find out when their free entry days are. They usually have a few each year, which can be a great way to save money while enjoying amazing views. There are free entry days coming up in 2016 on August 25 through August 28, September 24, and November 11.

What ways are you saving money this summer? What are the best ways to save money in the summer? Please leave a comment so that we can all share our best summer savings tips!

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