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Back from my vacation!

I took so many pictures of Queen’s Bath. Great time!

I said I would jump off this, but the BF did it by himself. Too scary for me!

I’m finally back from my vacation! I had a great time. I’ll be doing a post recap very soon and upload tons of pictures for you all. I finished the Hunger Games on the first day of my vacation and it was really good! Usually I’m not the one to read hyped up books (AKA Twilight ughh) but I really LOVED it.

I’m glad to be back. I miss blogging and tweeting. I can’t wait until I get back into everything.

Blog posts and blogs I love:

  1. Financial Confessions of a Young Brat posted about how financial security is her main goal. I’m the same way. I would like to not have to worry about something small coming up.

  2. I love Curiosity Killed the Blog. There’s great tips and I’ve been using a lot of the information. Check it out!

  3. Well-Heeled did an MBA analysis and this is a great idea for all of you thinking about whether or not you want to go to grad school.

And make sure you read my guest posts that I had this week. Thanks again!

The winner of my giveaway was Rebecca. I e-mailed you the other day so I hope you got it! The $20 gift card was directly put into your sneakpeeq account.

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