I am going to talk about the Adthrive in this post. Many of the site owners might have monetizing their sites with the AdSense. But, ask them are they really satisfied with the revenue? Not really. Of course if your site attracts low traffic, then you might be pleased with the earnings. If your site has high traffic, then it is better to shift to ad optimization networks. The Mediavine and Adthrive are popular ad management companies. We have reviewed the Mediavine in the earlier post. If you haven’t read the article, then here is the link.
The Adthrive is also a Google certified publishing partner similar to the Mediavine. They are helping publishers to grow their income since 2013.
Table of Contents
Who Can You Join The Adthrive? (Requirements) :
The Adthrive doesn’t work with every tom, dick and harry. You should satisfy the certain guidelines. Let us look at them :
Your website must attract at least 100,000 pageviews monthly. While applying your website for approval, you must give the access to your Google analytics account.
The majority of your site’s traffic must come from the United States.
Your website must not get banned by the AdSense.
The content of your website must be original, engaging and informative. Please remember that the advertisers must also like your website.
How Can You Join the Adthrive?
For joining as a publisher, go to this signup page, fill all the details and submit. They will take some time for the review process. Once approved, you can start monetizing your website. If you are using AdSense or others, then please remove their ads before getting started.

How Does The Adthrive Work?
Once you submit your website, they will learn more about your site’s content, financial goals, reader behavior and ad layout. They will strive to deliver best inventory in terms of the optimization and high RPM. You must place at least 3 ad units on your site. They will monitor the performance from time to time. You will receive the full support in this process. They will make sure to increase your site’s revenue. Do not get panic if you don’t see the results instantly. It may take few days or weeks to see improvements in the revenue.
Why Should You Try The Adthrive?
The Adthrive is specialized in ad management. mobile optimization, best campaigns and video optimization.
The Adthrive supplies the best ad inventory in terms of optimization and RPM. Can we expect the ads that yield high revenue? Yes, absolutely. They analyze your site’s traffic and delivers best ads that fit your website.
Mostly the ads are suitable for all ages of the auidences. If ever you come across any objectionable ad, then reach their support team.
The Adthrive works only with the best advertisers, ad agencies and brands. So, naturally you can earn more with the fewer ads.
Being a Google certified partner, they always deliver ads that satisfies the Google’s policies. They make sure to supply high quality and clean ads.
The Adthrive will make you earn for every impression.
It is one of the best platform to monetize your videos. Apart from the monetization, you get free video hosting.
The publishers get 75% revenue share. I think they are really generous towards the publishers. Many ad networks do not offer high revenue share. Even the Google doesn’t offer much.
The Adthrive plugin is available for the WordPress users. You can have full control on the ads. The publishers can disable ads by category or tag through the plugin.
You can track your performance in the real time. If you need any help, you can straightaway reach the support team from the dashboard.
There is no such thing as customer support in the AdSense. When we talk about the Adthrive, you receive the best support. They are ready to help you in all phases.
One Must Remember These Things :
Write quality and optimized content on your website to attract the good readership.
One must identify the older posts that are not ranked well. Make sure to rewrite and optimize well.
You must not underestimate the power of social media. Keep sharing you new posts along with older posts. Keep your audience engaged.
Join as many blogging communities you can. Build healthy and strong connections.
These tips will definitely help you in increasing your site’s traffic.
What Is The Final Conclusion?
The Adthrive works only for the high traffic websites. Many Adthrive publishers have claimed that their ad revenue has increased up to 200%. Unfortunately they are not offering the affiliate program. It would be really helpful for the bloggers who do not have much traffic. Hope they launch the affiliate program in the near future. If you had worked as a publisher, then please share your experiences. Hope this article help the publishers for getting started.