Everyone knows that writing a blog post is not enough to get noticed. It needs serious promotion to attract new readers. Without promoting your blog posts you couldn’t be a successful blogger. You have to wait for some time to get organic traffic after optimizing your post as it takes time. But, social media has made it possible to connect with the potential readers instantly once your post gets published. Thanks to RSS. Being a blogger you could connect your blog feed with different social profiles. Once your blog post is live social content distribution sites automatically pull your post and publishes it on social profile links.
It is simply awesome, isn’t it. Bloggers can also get benefited by promoting their posts at relevant places on social media. But, in recent times some bloggers are indulging in bad practices which are really unethical. Bloggers should remember that there are no shortcuts to make your blog successful. Being a blogger stay focused on delivering useful content to readers and one day success will follow you. The 5 important unethical ways you shouldn’t try for promoting your blog are as follows.
1. Don’t ever buy Facebook fan pages
Facebook doesn’t allow any individual or business to buy and sell their pages. It is against to their company policies. I have seen some people auctioning huge fans pages on groups. For instance if a page meant for a specific cause or entertainment and has 30k fan base, these so-called internet marketers selling their pages to bloggers for money. Moreover buyers misuse these pages by spamming their posts or affiliate links. One can easily figure out how ridiculous it would be. Both sellers and buyers may face legal charges if found guilty. So it is always better to stay away from these activities.
Live and let live
2. Don’t ever buy paid traffic from unreliable sources or scamsters
Don’t fall prey to the people promising you instant traffic in return of some money. These scamsters pretend to provide traffic from real people but in most of the cases they manage with bots. Even if the traffic comes from real people they won’t show any interest to read your posts. They would visit your home page not more than 30 seconds which results in high bounce rate. Search engines hate it and your site may land in troubles in the form of traffic drop. Instead of buying paid traffic bloggers should emphasize more on delivering useful and quality content to readers. One should stay away to save their search engine rankings and reputation.
It is really good to have 10 interested readers rather than 100 fake visitors.
3. Don’t spam it everywhere
This is also an undeniable thing bloggers need to keep in mind while promoting their blogs. Share your latest blog posts on the relevant groups or ask your friends politely to share them on their social profiles. It is damn absurd to promote your links aggressively via emails, discussion forums and chat to irrelevant people. I have even saw some people spam their links in the comment sections on the News pages. People may look you as a spammer and report your posts as abusive. It is better to maintain a list of people or subscribers who are really interested in your blog. Sharing your informative articles with them helps you to do gain mileage in the long run. You could probably use relevant Facebook groups for promoting your blog.
Your blog could be successful if your posts get noticed, shared on social profiles, FB liked, +1’d, tweeted and commented by fellow bloggers.
4. Say no to Alexa ranking boosters
Alexa rank helps bloggers only in one aspect i.e. money. If you want to have direct advertising on your blog then advertisers may consider your Alexa rank. Serious buyers may also look Alexa rank along with traffic stats and revenue details before bidding on a blog. Alexa ranking system is purely based on unique visitors and page impressions. In the meanwhile some people started luring greedy bloggers with their Alexa ranking boosters. The funniest part is that they are offering free and premium services to their users. This is really bad. Bloggers may see their ranks moving to magical numbers but one should remember that Alexa rank is not the metric to measure their blog’s success. Don’t just blog for the sake of Alexa ranking, search engines and money.
Successful blogs are least bothered about Alexa ranks because they are more concerned about readership. I am not compelling any one to ignore the ranking completely. I firmly believe that if you are successful in building strong community of readers, reputation and money follows you. Once you convert your blog into reputable one, you could see boost in Alexa ranking.
The success of any blog lies in dedication, consistency, trust, insightful content, presentation and engagement with readers.
5. Don’t join Traffic exchange sites
Newbies generally attract to these sites as they want traffic to their blog badly. They assume that by participating in mutual traffic exchanges or auto surf programs help them to stand in the crowd. This is absolutely rubbish. I agree that traffic plays a significant role in blog’s success but it would be appreciated well if it comes from reliable sources. Moreover traffic from autosurf programs would not benefit anyone. It is a mere waste of time. Some advertising networks like Google Adsense won’t allow its publishers to participate in these type of programs and their account may get banned straightaway if found guilty.
Instead of indulging in traffic exchange do prefer blog commenting on other blogs. It helps in building healthy relationship and reputation.
This is all about 5 don’ts for promoting your blog. I hope you enjoyed the post and please do leave comments below.