Happy Wednesday everyone!
I switched up my Weekly Update post this week to today because Monday was of course Christmas Eve. I have work today (does anyone else!?). I didn’t make a post last week so this is a combined post.
I wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful guest posts that you all supplied for me for when I was on vacation. And of course we had a great time since W finally PROPOSED.
I am a crazy planner and pretty much already have a lot of things decided haha. My wedding Pinterest board is filled up with stuff. I already know that I want an semi-formal outdoorsy wedding and have pretty much narrowed down where I want it.
And be honest, will any of you hate my wedding posts? I don’t plan on making a TON, but I know that there will be at least some. This blog is about my life so my manly readers might need to watch out 🙂
Our vacation went great and I still plan on making a post on that soon! Above is another picture. St. Thomas and St. John are wonderful, so if you haven’t gone, then GO!
My work Christmas party was on Friday and I got a HUGE bonus, an iPad and a gift card. WOOHOO! With this bonus and the extra income this month, I will most likely be putting around $15,000 towards my student loans and saving/spending the rest.
My updates:
We did OKAY with spending. We still have some Christmas shopping to do (W’s family’s Christmas is this Sunday). We will probably still spend around $200 on Christmas presents for his immediate family but that should be it.
And we bought my sister an iPad. This was an unexpected purchase as we were only going to get her an Kindle (not the touch screen, just the paper white version). It was around $450 with taxes included and while it was expensive, I do think it was worth it.
She has been super happy since. I’ve made a decent amount of extra income this month (and I’m still waiting on payment from some past work) so this month definitely surpassed my goal and helped with the cost of her present.
W did buy a North Face coat as well, and it was $200. I was iffy at first but then we remembered that he made some extra bonus money this month (they put it on a direct deposit checking card) and it covered the coat completely. It’s nice to spend money that you forgot you even had!
I also spent $130 on two New Years Eve tickets for us. All of our friends are going to an open bar and it’ll be fun! We were going to go to a place that would have been $200 altogether, but then there would have been a $100 taxi ride as well, which just did not seem worth it. And, I have searched what seems like everywhere for a NYE dress and I can’t find anything. Have you found one? FROM WHERE? Send me the link!

Extra Income (this is on top of my salary from my job):
I made $4,273 in the past two weeks. This is definitely more than what I thought I would make in this whole month, mainly because I thought that December would be super slow because of the holidays.
I am definitely happy with this amount and I just hope that each month keeps getting better and better! Also, thanks to everyone who recently has signed up for my Ebates referral link, appreciated!
I made a meal plan this week, check out my Sunday Meal Plan. We are really working on eating in more and since we are now back from vacation, we will succeed! The fact that it’s the holidays make it easier because we will be going to lots of holiday parties.
Being healthy:
HORRIBLE here. No comment! haha
Well I didn’t gain any weight, but I have been eating everything and anything, and I don’t even remember the last time I worked out. It’s hard to even care about being toned when it’s freezing outside and I won’t be wearing a swimsuit for around 5 month.