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Ditch Your Car And Walk More

Now, technically we still own our Jeep, but it’s currently being stored at Wes’ parent’s house. We love it and put a lot of time and...

To Pay Off Debt Or Invest- Which One Is Best For You?

You may have students loans, a mortgage, car loans, credit card debt, furniture debt, medical loans, or something else. Whatever your...

8 Steps I Took To Save $200,000 By Age 27

No, that headline never gets any less surreal the more I read it. And no, I wasn’t a lucky lottery winner or a privileged trust fund...

Is too much house making you house poor?

When we were in the process of buying our first home, we were given a pre-approval amount of $150,000. If we would have bought a house...

4 Mindsets That Will Rob You Of Your Dream Life

Recently, I read a discussion in which people were talking about the ways they hold themselves back and cause themselves to fail at their...

I Thought I Was Too Good For Community College

When I was around 17, I applied to several different colleges, but one mistake I made was that I didn’t even give community college a...

7 Ways My Relationship With Money Has Changed

I still remember, quite vividly, struggling with money and living paycheck to paycheck. I remember thinking about how $25 could...

Your Financial Freedom Checklist

Financial freedom. Well, today, I want that to change. Money isn’t everything, but to improve your life, it can make things easier if you...

Punching $25,000 of debt in the face in 7 months

Today, I have a fun article from a reader. Mrs. Picky Pincher is the blogger and money-saving maven at Picky Pinchers. She writes about...

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