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Living well on the amount of money you have

I saw an article the other day on Yahoo! Finance about living well on $20,000. And then I noticed the 4 Hats and Frugal did a related...

Financial Boot Camp

I got the idea for this post from Blonde on a Budget. She currently imposed a financial boot camp on herself, which I think is a GREAT...

Is your Budget in Balance?

I found a great link for a budget calculator, find it here. I don’t know if I agree with how everything is organized, such as my car...

Some finance and life updates…

I haven’t really update everyone on everything lately, I should probably do this more so that I can keep track of everything (and because...

Using Savings to Pay Off Debt

I’m currently trying to build up my emergency fund to $15,000. This fund is to cover job loss, anything wrong with the house or cars,...

Too much student debt to handle

Do you have so much student debt that it’ll ruin your life? Check this article out. I know my past posts have related to this, but this...

Where to Apply for Scholarships

You can find scholarships in many places. If you have applied for a college, then when you get your acceptance letter usually you will...

Getting Out of Debt

I noticed that in other posts a lot of people were commenting on their debt. What have you been doing to get out of debt? I have some...

When degrees are NOT worth the debt

To tie in with my last post about why I think college debt is (sometimes) worthwhile, here is an article that I found last month about...

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