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6 Ways I Saved Money On College Costs

College is very expensive – there is no doubt about that. However, I want you to know that it IS possible to get a valuable college...

Wall Street Survivor Review

Managing your financial life can sometimes be difficult and because of that I am here to review a website called Wall Street Survivor. I...

Should You Outsource Tasks To Make Life Easier?

However, I recently started to notice that I was working 12 hour days, nearly every single day, and that I was getting snappy whenever...

Why I’ll Never Buy A Timeshare

Someone I know recently dropped $15,000 on a timeshare. I know of another person who has bought multiple timeshares with their student...

Is Your Laziness Costing You Money?

I’ve been letting little things slip and it’s mostly because I’ve been more lazy about being frugal. After adding up how much money I’ve...

Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Mortgage Early

With our first house we didn’t put down 20% and had to pay PMI (big mistake), so we will definitely put down at least 20% on our next...

Should We Get Rid Of A Car And Just Have One?

We currently have two cars, but have been seriously thinking about sharing a car and downsizing to just one. I hardly ever drive, and I...

Should We Keep Our House Or Sell It?

Over the past few weeks, we have been going back and forth about what we want to do with the home we currently own in Missouri. I realize...

The Effect of Just $20/hr on a Student Loan

I think most of us would agree that earning more would allow us to save more. Contrarily, SPENDING more is going to save you more, and...

Blog: Blog2
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