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Welcome To Paradise – We’re Living On A Sailboat!

To be specific, it’s a Lagoon 42 catamaran that we named Paradise. Now, we are still very new to this lifestyle, but we are very excited!...

How To Pay Off Your Student Loans

Lexington Law to give you tips and tricks on how to pay off your student loans. Fun fact about myself in case you didn’t know – I paid...

Travel Rewards Credit Cards – Are They For You?

Lexington Law to talk about travel rewards credit cards. Travel rewards credit cards are extremely popular right now. For me, I’ve been...

Can A No Spend Month Actually Help You?

If you’re looking to learn how to save money, especially lowering your monthly spending budget, a no spend month can be a great way to do...

What Does Your Credit Score Impact?

Lexington Law to help answer the question “What does your credit score impact?” If someone tells you to ignore your credit score, then...

You Wouldn’t Work For Free, Right? So, Why Do You?

If so, then you are essentially working for free. According to CNN, 23% of workers surveyed said they used all of their vacation days in...

How To Get The Best Value On Your Next Car Purchase

So many people are afraid to find ways to save money on purchases, even big purchases such as for a car. This may be that they are too...

How To Increase Your Credit Score

Lexington Law to teach you some tips and tricks about how to increase your credit score. At least a few times a year, I check my credit...

10 Easy Homemade Snacks To Bring On Your Next Hike

Hiking is definitely one of my favorite activities. I love exploring new areas, going on exciting adventures, and seeing beautiful views,...

The Digital Nomad Lifestyle – A Day In The Life

I am regularly asked what my average day is like. It’s always such a difficult question to answer, as there is no routine day for me. If...

Is too much house making you house poor?

When we were in the process of buying our first home, we were given a pre-approval amount of $150,000. If we would have bought a house...

4 Mindsets That Will Rob You Of Your Dream Life

Recently, I read a discussion in which people were talking about the ways they hold themselves back and cause themselves to fail at their...

How This Couple Retired at 38 and 41

net worth over $2,000,000 at the age of 28. Today’s interview is with Tanja Hester, who retired at the end of 2017 at the age of 38. You...

29 Money And Life Lessons I’ve Learned

I always think it’s a good idea to reflect on any life and money lessons you’ve learned throughout the years. While it helps me see what...

Tricks To Get More Done In Less Time

You’re not alone. I’ve been able to reach a lot of my goals due to my time management skills. People have wondered how I was able to pay...

10 Delicious Summer Lunch Ideas

Summer is right around the corner, which means it’s time for warmer weather, more outdoor activities, farmers markets, picnics, and more!...

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