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Utah, Nevada, and California Road Trip Recap

On this road trip, we did some sight seeing, climbed a little, and went on several fun hikes. We were able to enjoy all of the national...

Why should you use a budgeting calculator?

Becoming a student is the start of an exciting new chapter in your life. It leads to employment opportunities, education and new skills...

Is Being House Poor Limiting You?

If we would have bought a house for that amount, I’m sure it would have led to us being house poor. While this may not seem like much to...

75+ Ways To Make Extra Money

I talk a lot about making extra money and how to make extra money here on Making Sense of Cents. I do this because I truly believe that...

4 Reasons You Need Life Insurance

We don’t have any life insurance. We used to have a small amount paid for by our previous employers, but that was almost two years ago...

Money Statistics That May Scare You

However, whenever I research different financial topics I usually come across some scary money statistics. The money stats you read in...

Are You Frugal, Cheap, Or A Thief?

This was a post I thoroughly enjoyed writing. Since last year, I have thought of several more situations that some may categorize as...

5 Tips To Stop Your Emotional Spending Habit

While a certain level of emotional spending may be acceptable in some cases, it can quickly get out of hand and turn into a problem. The...

Do You Need A Budget?

In fact, according to a poll by Gallup, two-thirds of households do not have a budget. I believe budgets are extremely important and that...

How My Sister Is Working, Attending College & Traveling

Hello everyone! My name is Alexis and I’m the blogger behind I am also Michelle’s younger sister! She inspired me to...

Beginner’s Guide To Earning Passive Income

Dreaming is nice, but nothing happens unless you actually start making some changes. And, that is just what I plan on doing over the next...

How To Change Your Life And Live Your Dream Today

Learning how to change your life doesn’t have to be hard. You can start off small and gradually move onto bigger changes. Or you can make...

6 Ways I Saved Money On College Costs

College is very expensive – there is no doubt about that. However, I want you to know that it IS possible to get a valuable college...

Wall Street Survivor Review

Managing your financial life can sometimes be difficult and because of that I am here to review a website called Wall Street Survivor. I...

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